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  • The Yellow Springs Bulldog Youth Basketball League will end its season with an All-Star skills competition, awards ceremony and potluck breakfast from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 1, in the John Bryan Community Center gym.

  • Midwest memoir reading— Eileen Cronin writes about being able

    Author Eileen Cronin will read from her recently published memoir “Mermaid: A Memoir of Resilience” at Antioch University Midwest on Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 p.m. The event is free and will include a discussion and a book signing with the author, who is the sister of Midwest faculty member Joe Cronin. (Submitted photo)

    Growing up, Eileen Cronin loved sports and writing and had the determination to pursue both. Though others would see it differently, these elements had greater influence on her identity than the fact that she was born without fully developed legs.

  • Richard Robert Harwood


    Richard Robert Harwood, of Springfield, died at Villa Springfield Health and Rehabilitation Center in the early morning hours of Feb. 27, just two days after celebrating his 85th birthday.

  • Village General fund deficit forecast

    At a special budget review before the Feb. 18 Village Council meeting, Finance Director Melissa Vanzant projected that the Village 2014 general fund budget will have a shortfall of about $500,000.

  • Police story: crime and the village

    Earlier this month two vehicles were stolen, 10 more were broken into. Last year nine local residences were burglarized. But more commonly, however, the Yellow Springs Police Department deals with complaints of barking dogs, loud music and stolen bicycles.

  • Snow Shoo!

    Village council member Gerry Simms cleared the sidewalks along West South College Street Monday afternoon to provide safe passage for local students walking to and from school. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Village council member Gerry Simms cleared the sidewalks along West South College Street Monday afternoon to provide safe passage for local students walking to and from school.

  • A lesson in black and white

    The program celebrating Black History Month was performed during the day for the K–6 student body and included a dialogue with Rosa Parks, songs by Civil Rights-era folk singer Pete Seeger, and Mills Lawn students, from left, Eliza Gilchrist, Eva Schell and Malaya Booth singing with the rest of their class. (Photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Last Friday the Mills Lawn fourth, fifth and sixth grade students performed a varied program of songs, readings, poems and a skit to celebrate the end of Black History Month.

  • 2014 Annual Appropriations And Declaring An Emergency

    Ordinance No. 2014-07, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Yellow Springs Board Of Education

    Agenda for Thursday, March 13

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

    Mon., Mar. 10, 2014, 7 p.m.

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