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  • Local roots show at Summer Music Bash

    Blues riffs, DJ scratches, hip-hop beats and R&B harmonies will mingle in the hot July air in downtown Yellow Springs at an upcoming celebration of local music.

  • Sea Dogs are off and swimming

    The Yellow Springs Aquatic Club Sea Dogs summer swim team are off and swimming. They won one meet against Forest Ridge, after competing in three swim meets so far this summer. Results are as follows, 6 and under 25 free: first place, Zan Holtgrave; second place, Javin Obringer; third place, Brady Clark; 6 and under […]

  • Community Solutions evolves— New director for nonprofit

    Global warming. Climate change. Peak Oil.

    News about environmental concerns is frequently grim and overwhelming. What can a single person do?

  • Major League Reds A and B tie

    The Winds Cafe Indians extended their undefeated record to 4–0 and remain atop the Minor League rec baseball standings after the second full week of play. The Indians’ contest against the Vintage Truck Dragons on June 23 was called after only two-and-a-half innings due to a thunderstorm. Then the first game on June 28 saw […]

  • Me the Bridge and the T-ball gang

    One of the exercises we do as part of our warm-up is to get on our hands and knees in the thick, three-inch long, green, green grass of the right field — “I know,” Tommy Moore, 6, says when we finish touching our noses to our toes, anticipating what comes next. Even before I say […]

  • Village ends appeals process — Courts side with Struewings

    A panel of three Ohio appeals court judges last month sided unanimously with Ken and Betheen Struewing in their case against the Village over rights to Village water and sewer services.

  • Well on the way to Wellness

    Antioch employees showed visitors some of the features the center will boast when it opens in ­September, including a six-lane competition-length pool, therapeutic whirlpool, group fitness classrooms, racquetball courts, two gyms, a workout area and more.

    Last Saturday Antioch College opened to the public its 44,000-square foot Wellness Center currently undergoing a yearlong $8 million renovation. The Wellness Center announced its membership rates in an insert in this week’s News and at, and has launched a community fundraising campaign to help pay off the center.

  • Pride hits the pavement

    Penny Abamson, left, and Emily Seibel, under umbrellas during the Pride Parade. (photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Clouds and the threat of thunderstorms couldn’t keep an enthusiastic group of villagers from marching through downtown for the third annual Yellow Springs Pride parade last Saturday afternoon. The event, which began at Mills Lawn School, looped through downtown and ended at the First Presbyterian Church. More Pride events followed the parade, including a showing […]

  • Grab an instrument and party for Summer Strings’ 50th

    The Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band program invites alumni to jump in and play at an alumni concert and party this Saturday, beginning at 5 p.m. at Mills Lawn.

  • July 4, 2014 in Yellow Springs

    The annual Independence Day festivities will take place Thursday, July 4.

    The annual Fourth of July parade will begin at 3 p.m. on Friday. The lineup for the parade will begin at 2 p.m. on the circular drive behind Friends Care Community, and the parade will travel from Friends Care, down Xenia Avenue and end at the Bryan Center. All are invited to watch, or participate […]

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