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  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, July 21, 2014 7 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Annual vintage truck show

    Ertel Publishing’s Vintage Truck Magazine will host its 13th annual Vintage Truck Show which is a great family-friendly event! Featuring colorful and restored trucks from the early 1900s through modern times.

  • Tour the Antioch food forest

    The Antioch College food forest, located on the Antioch Farm, includes locust, plum and pawpaw trees, hazelnut bushes, jostaberries, wild chives and more, including this oregano. Take a tour on July 17. (Photo from

    A tour of the newly planted food forest on the Antioch Farm will be held Thursday, July 17, 7–8 p.m.

  • VIDEO — Yellow Springs Community Foundation celebrates arts and culture

    This year, the YS Community Foundation celebrates 40 years of contributions to the village’s many nonprofit endeavors. View the third in a series of sound and slide videos produced in conjunction with the 40th anniversary celebration here.

  • Hiker killed in lightning strike


    Rebecca Teilhet, 42, of Yellow Springs was killed Friday by a lightning strike while hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park.

  • BLOG-Superhuman Transformation

    Like many parents in town, I’ve eagerly awaited the night when my first born could join the cast of a Yellow Spring Kid’s playhouse production. That night is tonight.

  • Bates begins Village manager job

    Patti Bates was sworn in as the new Yellow Springs Village manager at Village Council’s July 7 meeting.

  • Wellness Center launches fundraiser

    Last week, Antioch launched $1 million community fundraising campaign to cover some of the $7.8 million cost of renovating its 44,000-square-foot Wellness Center.

  • A 50-year legacy

    Shirley Mullins' youngest student, Quentin Branlat, 6, played a measured and tonal “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on a quarter size cello while staring straight at his audience the entire performance. (photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Both literally and figuratively, The Sound of Music emanating from Mills Lawn on Saturday afternoon commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band program started by Shirley Mullins and the late Mary Schumacher in 1964. The concert featured a 40-person impromptu orchestra, with long-time string teacher Cami Dell Grote, current co-director […]

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