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  • Council gives CBE final approval

    At Monday’s meeting, Village Council in a 3–2 vote gave final approval to funding the Center for Business and Education infrastructure. Karen Wintrow, Gerry Simms and Brian Housh voted for the CBE funding and Lori Askeland and Marianne MacQueen voted against.

  • YSKP leadership changes

    Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse alumna Ara Beal, left, will take the helm of the nonprofit children’s theater company from founder John Fleming after this summer’s production. “Superhuman Happiness,” written and directed by Fleming, runs Thursday–Sunday, July 10–13, and July 17–20, at the Antioch Amphitheatre, 920 Corry St. All shows start at 7:30 p.m. Fleming started the company in 1995 and has led in the roles of executive director and artistic director. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    As this summer’s Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse original musical, “Superhuman Happiness” explores the gods and goddesses of ancient myth, a titan of local children’s theater, YSKP artistic director John Fleming, makes his dramatic exit from the nonprofit youth theater company he founded in 1995.

  • Council examines ‘busking’

    At their July 7 meeting, Village Council members continued an earlier discussion on how best to balance the needs of buskers and business owners in a way that doesn’t put a damper on what many villagers see as a source of downtown uniqueness.

  • T-ball’s healing powers

    My day up until 6:30 p.m. Friday evening had not been treating me well. My body had renewed its occasional auto-immune-y ache, which it is keen to do when it is least desired. The buzzing of a solitary mosquito inside my head that began around noon had grown to a symphony of construction equipment banging […]

  • Hazel Sweeney


    Hazel Sweeney, née Wright, died on Monday, July 7, following a long illness. She was 90.

  • Lynda Triplett Clark

    Lynda Triplett Clark

    Lynda Triplett Clark of Flemingsburg, Ky., passed away Tuesday, June 24, at her residence. She was 61.

  • Wellness Center launches fund drive

    Antioch College launched a community fundraising campaign last week to raise $1 million towards the cost of renovating its new wellness center. Pictured in front of the $7.8 million center are Wellness Center Director Monica Hasek, center, and two of the 11 fundraising committee members, Franklin Halley and Donna Silvert. The center opens in September. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    As an Antioch College student in the 1960s, Malte von Matthiessen played basketball pick-up games in Curl Gymnasium with Yellow Springs High School students. Back then, the facility was “just a gym” but still gave Antioch students a chance to play intramural sports and meet locals

  • Martha Gay Lampert Luttrell


    Martha Gay Lampert Luttrell, of Xenia, passed away Wednesday, July 9, at Summit Park Hills Nursing Center. She was 97

  • Reds B lead the Major League

    Despite suffering their first loss of the season, The Winds Cafe Indians’ 4–1 record was good enough to hold on to a slim half-game lead over the Sam and Eddie’s Open Books Reds record of 4–2.

  • Rebecca Teilhet

    Rebecca Teilhet

    Rebecca Teilhet, of Yellow Springs, passed away on July 11. She was 42.

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