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  • Striking workers air grievances

    A small group of employees at the Spirited Goat Coffee House went on strike in mid-June, asking for a host of rights including legal pay, workers’ compensation benefits and a higher wage: $15 an hour.

  • … and the pursuit of candy

    The annual Independence Day festivities will take place Tuesday, July 4.

    The Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge saved this year’s annual 4th of July celebration, organizing the flag display downtown, the afternoon parade, the evening refreshment stand and the Gaunt Park fireworks display, inherited from the Lions Club last year. The $6,000 fireworks package was supported by local donations and drew crowds to the park […]

  • Dragons, Pirates tie in nail-biter

    The shortened holiday week and another late afternoon thunderstorm resulted in only a single minor league game completed last week, but it was probably the most exciting one of the season yet.

  • ‘Superhuman Happiness’ at YSKP

    Gods and goddesses of Roman myth will do battle in the Antioch Amphitheater during this summer’s Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse production, “Superhuman Happiness.” Some of the 49 youth in the show are, from left, Nia Dyer (Helen), Sammie Woolley (Clara), Zoe Williams (Arachne), Chekinah Williams (Ceres), Reese Elam (Juno), Jaylen Mitchell (Jove). “Superhuman Happiness” runs July 10–13 and July 17–20. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Everything changes, nothing perishes.

    So writes Roman poet Ovid in his magnum opus “Metamorphoses,” from which the new Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse original musical “Superhuman Happiness” is adapted.

  • Village vampire taps a wicked vein

    Yellow Springs native Michael Malarkey plays the rebel vampire Enzo in the CW network’s popular show “Vampire Diaries.” Season six, Malarkey’s first as a full cast member, premieres on Oct. 2. (Submitted photo © 2014 Bob Mahoney, WBEI. All rights reserved.)

    He is a blood-sucking renegade vampire resurrected into a revenge-mad ghost villian after his heart is ripped out.

    While this character of Enzo on the CW television network’s “Vampire Diaries” may be macabre, it’s one that actor Michael Malarkey has been dying to play.

  • Yellow Springs Summer Strings winds down— Come one, come all to Grand Finale

    The Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band Program will celebrate its 50th year as a summer music program for local children with a cello choir for alumni this Saturday, July 5, at 5 p.m., followed by a full orchestra performance. Shown above is an early concert with Summer Strings’ founder, Shirley Mullins, who continues to direct the program. (submitted photo)

    Two weeks ago, the Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band Program had its Grande Finale concert outside at Mills Lawn. The youth played their violas and clarinets to the tune of “Cherokee Chief,” “Slavic Air,” and an all-camp sing to “The Power of One.”

  • Public Hearing

    Regarding Appeal Of Solar Array

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • An Ordinance Amending the Personnel Policy Manual

    Ordinance No. 2014-17, Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

    Mon., July 14, 2014 7:00 p.m.

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