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  • Antioch School students drop in at the News

    Antioch School Younger Group students meet the YS News staff and learn about newspaper production. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Students from Antioch School’s Younger Group visited the Yellow Springs News office last week to learn a little bit about how a newspaper is made.

  • YS Community Foundation celebrates local education

    In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, with the cooperation of WYSO, produced a series of five sound and slide pieces detailing some of its most important work in the village. The final piece in the series focuses on the foundation’s involvement with the Antioch College Miller Fellowship program and the implementation of project-based learning in village public schools

  • YSHS girls soccer hosts Beavercreek

    The YSHS girls soccer team held visiting Beavercreek scoreless for most of the first half on Tuesday.

  • Ride the bus to a concert

    Villagers may travel to Dayton or Springfield symphony concerts via bus for a series of six concerts in Dayton and six in Springfield.

  • Public Hearing

    Yellow Springs, Ohio Planning Commission

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Village Of Yellow Springs Seeks Assistant Village Manager

    The Village of Yellow Springs is seeking a full-time Assistant Village Manager to coordinate the Village’s Planning and Zoning efforts.

  • Charter Review Commission Seeks Candidates

    The Yellow Springs Village Council seeks resident applications for service on the Village’s Charter Review Commission

  • Village Of Yellow Springs Seeks A Police Chief

    The Village of Yellow Springs is currently accepting resumes from qualified persons interested in the position of Police Chief.

  • Parents consider effects of increased standardized testing

    YSHS student facilitators Ben Green and Lucy Callahan, background, moderated a discussion for McKinney Middle School students on problem-solving school issues. The facilitators are part of an effort to train student leaders who can advocate for themselves and others to solve issues that youth find important. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    At a school forum this week, school administrators encouraged parents to contact their legislators regarding their concerns about increased state and federal standardized tests.

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