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  • September 25, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

    Yellow Springs High School soccer player Jesi Worsham launched the ball during a clearance against West Liberty Salem on Thursday, Sept. 18. The Lady Bulldogs lost 4–0. (Submitted photo by Jimmy DeLong)

    September 25, 2014 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Cemex seeks expansion

    A former Cemex quarry was turned into a city park, Oakes Quarry Park, which one area resident said “looks like a meteorite hit it.” (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Cemex is determined to expand its limestone mining operation into Xenia Township southwest of Yellow Springs.

  • Police Chief Pettiford resigns

    Yellow Springs Police Chief Anthony Pettiford resigned for medical reasons on Monday of this week, Village Manager Patti Bates announced at the end of a Village Council meeting Monday night, following an executive session.

  • Wastewater plant honored for safety

    The staff of the Village wastewater treatment plant was honored recently by the Ohio Water Environment Association for nine years without a safety violation or time lost to an accident. Pictured receiving the OWEA George W. Burke Award at Monday’s Council meeting are, from left, Superintendent of Water and Wastewater Joe Bates; Operator I Richard Stockton and Operator II Brad Ault. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    There’s a lot that people don’t know about the local wastewater treatment plant. For instance, most don’t know that working there can be dangerous.

  • Opening night for both play and playhouse— ‘Trifles’ is no small debut

    ‘Trifles’ will be the debut performance in Antioch College’s newly-renovated Foundry Theater. The one-time-only performance will commence at 7:30 p.m. in the experimental theater. The play, which was adapted for two actors, features Hannah Craig, left, and Parker Phelan. (Photo by Jenn Wheeler)

    Two students in Geneva Gano’s “Introduction to Drama” literature class at Antioch College will be the first to perform in the recently renovated Foundry Theater this Thursday, Sept. 18. Hannah Craig, a first year, and Parker Phelan, a second year, will perform an adapted version of Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles,” which they have modified to work for a two-actor production.

  • Patricia Allen Davis


    Patricia Allen Davis, 88, of Yellow Springs, died Sept. 20 in Sudbury, Mass., after a hard-fought battle against lung cancer.

  • ‘Last Reel’ premiered at Telluride

    The documentary short ‘The Last Reel,’ by local filmmakers Steve Bognar and Julia Reichert, recently premiered at the Telluride Film Festival. The film chronicles the transition from 35 mm film to a digital process at The Little Art Theatre, and features longime projectionist Andy Holyoke, above. (submitted photo)

    The thought of losing the more than 100-year tradition of celluloid motion picture film is the sad result of the economic advantage of digital film. But the experience of that subtle mechanical change is one that most audiences won’t ever perceive as they continue to go to the movies.

  • Students can bowl this winter

    Bowling is back. At its meeting Sept. 11, the Yellow Springs School Board approved a proposal to make bowling the newest official sport at Yellow Springs High School.

  • Help support our Bulldog sports

    This past Saturday there was a Zumbathon to help raise money for Yellow Springs Athletics. If you missed the event, there are other ways to can help support Bulldog sports.

    Each month during the 2014-15 school year (with the exception of December), a local restaurant will donate a percentage of its sales for one day to the Yellow Springs Athletic Boosters.

  • YSHS volleyball loses two nailbiters

    The Lady Bulldogs played their best volleyball of the season but couldn’t hold off talented opponents last week.

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