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  • Carlos ‘Brannon’ Fox

    Carlos 'Brennan' Fox

    Carlos “Brannon” Fox passed away on Dec. 21 at his Yellow Springs home. He was 56.

  • Patricia Bittner

    Patricia Bittner

    Patricia Bittner, of Yellow Springs, passed away on Dec. 18, at Hospice of Dayton.

  • Children’s Center forges a new plan

    These Community Children’s Center supporters are planning a revitalization of the village’s only full-time early childhood education resource. Pictured at the center this week are, from left, administrator Samantha Seimer with Nevaeh Plambeck, board member Sarah Siff with her son, Harvey, Braden Derrickson, Ella Fodal, teacher Andrea Seigal-Hall, Evan Botkin and teacher Naomi Hyatt. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Yellow Springs Children’s Center has been under severe duress this past year, with unprecedentedly low enrollment, 18 consecutive months of deficit spending, and the prospect of depleting its cash reserves sometime in 2015.

  • Villagers hope to let solar shine for all

    Villagers who want to go solar but whose roof is shaded or who don’t own their home might soon be able to participate in a community solar project.

  • Mary Bullock Kidd


    Mary Bullock Kidd, of Wilberforce, passed away Oct. 13, at Green Memorial Hospital surrounded by family.

  • Zumba! for health of school and self

    This year’s annual Zumbathon fundraiser will take place on Saturday, Jan. 3, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Mills Lawn gym. The event will raise funds for the MLS project-based learning. Shown above is the 2011 fundraiser. (News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    Losing weight and helping others are two common New Year’s resolutions. Area residents can get a head start on a healthy, generous 2015 by coming to a two-hour Zumba class for a good cause.

  • Village Council— Deficit spending raises concerns

    At Village Council’s Dec. 15 meeting, leaders expressed concern over the amount of deficit spending in the 2015 Village general fund budget. However, due to the need to move ahead, Council approved the final reading of the budget.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Working on a ‘network of peace’

    Former longtime villager and founder of the Dayton Peace Museum Fred Arment recently published “The Economics of Peace: Freedom, the Golden Rule and the Broadening of Prosperity.” The book was published by McFarland. (submitted photo)

    The world may seem full of turmoil, disharmony and injustice, but peace worker and longtime village resident Fred Arment is hopeful about the future. In fact, he sees “an epic shift” already under way. The founder and director of International Cities of Peace and a founder of the Dayton International Peace Museum, Arment has met […]

  • On the next day of Christmas, nature gave to us, 268 Carolina Chickadees

    The 2014 Christmas Bird Count yielded about 57 species and nearly 5,000 birds in the 15-mile count circle around Yellow Springs.

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