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  • Kathryn Ann Merrill

    Kathryn Ann Merrill

    Kathryn Ann Merrill died Sunday, March 22. She was born Jan. 9,1935, in Hollywood, Calif.

  • Village Council— Landlords protest change

    At Village Council’s March 16 meeting, Council members heard a second full-throated protest by local landlords to a proposed new Village policy holding landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.

  • Village of Yellow Springs Seeks a Utility Clerk


  • Group addresses race issues

    Are people of color targeted by police here? Are African-American students in school punished worse than their white counterparts? Are racial minorities discriminated against in downtown stores? Is local black history being lost?

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Scout holds BSA to its own core values

    After taking 80-mile bike trips and camping in 14-degree-below-zero weather, local Eagle Scout Lake Miller is turning to his next activity with the Boy Scouts — ending discrimination in the nationwide youth organization. This week Miller launched a local chapter of Scouts for Equality, a national group pressuring the Boy Scouts to allow gay scout […]

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, March 16, 2015, 7 p.m.

  • Council nears water softening vote

    A group of Village officials and staff members visited this water treatment plant, in Jackson County, Ohio, recently to observe the plant’s pellet softening process. Council will likely vote at its April 6 meeting on whether to add pellet softening to the new water plant. Shown above are tanks used in the process. (Submitted photo by John Yung)

    Village Council is close to approving a water softening component to its proposed new water plant, slated for construction in 2016.

  • Police explain the status quo

    The Yellow Springs Police Department will continue to employ one officer on the Greene County ACE Task Force to help contain violent crime in the region. The local police will also continue to call the SWAT team when appropriate to ensure the village’s safety during violent and potentially harmful situations. The size of the department […]

  • Mills Park Parking gets underway

    The new Mills Park Hotel addition, the Mills Park Parking, has begun to take shape. The 6-story tower can accommodate up to 80 cars and will host a rotating roof-top restaurant. (Photo by F. Stop Fitzgerald)

    Villagers have wondered why the new hotel is being built so close to Xenia Avenue, as there seems to be plenty of space in back. The answer’s rather pragmatic.

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