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  • Brash brass

    The Friends Music Camp Street Band marched a quick downtown loop Saturday afternoon to announce their concert that evening, “Musicians for Justice and Peace,” which benefited Glen Helen. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Friends Music Camp Street Band marched a quick downtown loop Saturday afternoon to announce their concert that evening.

  • Lorena Hyde memorial


    A memorial service for Lorena Hyde, wife of Dr. Carl Hyde, will be held in the manner of Friends (Quakers) at Rockford Chapel on Saturday, Aug. 8, at 3 p.m.

  • Jazz, original music with Friends

    Friends Music Campers advertised their annual summer concert in downtown Yellow Springs last year, and will perform the camp’s 11th benefit on Saturday, July 25, at 7:30 p.m. at Mills Lawn Elementary School. This year’s concert, ‘Musicians for Justice and Peace,’ will benefit Glen Helen with performances by the camp’s concert band, the all-camper chorus and four student soloists. (archive photo by Matt Minde)

    The Friends Music Camp will present its annual summer concert at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 25, at Mills Lawn Elementary School.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • McGruder to discuss new book on race, real estate

    Dr. Kevin McGruder, assistant professor of history at Antioch College, will read from his new book, Race and Real Estate: Conflict and Cooperation in Harlem, 1890-1920, on Tuesday, Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. at McGregor 113 on the Antioch campus.

  • Ten-Minute Play Festival to return

    Submissions are currently being accepted for the annual Ten-Minute Play Festival, which will be presented in October.

  • BLOG-Perspective

    Jason Morgan gives a shout out to his supporters on the opening night of his one man show at the Springfield Museum of Art.

  • Village names internal water, wastewater supervisor

    New guy in charge. (photo by Diane Chiddister)

    After eight years with the Village, Brad Ault was named superintendent of water and wastewater treatment last week.

  • Friends Music Camp concert on Saturday

    The annual Yellow Springs concert by Friends Music Camp campers and staff takes place this Saturday, July 25, at 7:30 p.m. at Mills Lawn gym.

  • Council race heats up

    Interested citizens have two weeks left to pick up petitions at the Greene County Board of Elections and join the races for three open seats on Village Council, two on school board and two on Township Trustees.

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