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  • Camp out with the Perseids

    Glen Helen will host a camp-out for stargazers during the Perseid meteor shower Aug. 14.

  • BLOG-Tiny Homes for Garden Folk

    Sarah Strong’s gifts to this community keep mounting.

  • Statewide “tax holiday” for back-to-school purchases

    Ohio's S.B. 243 enacted a one-time sales tax holiday to occur only in 2015. The holiday starts on Friday, August 7, 2015 at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Back-to-school shoppers hoping to cash in on special sales this weekend will find a bit more change in their pockets, as certain purchases will not be taxed.

  • Commemoration remembers John Crawford III one year after his death

    “It’s not a demonstration,” said Bomani Moyenda, “it’s a commemoration of a young man who tragically lost his life.”

  • Solar sheep come to Antioch Farm

    The college's first crew of four-legged lawnmowers in 2015, shown with Farm Manager Kat Christen and then-student and Farm Assistant Alli King.

    Antioch College recently welcomed eight sheep in a pilot project to manage the vegetative growth around the college’s solar array.

  • Village Council — Home, Inc. and Township partner

    In the latest bid to acquire the former Wright State Physicians Clinic property on Xenia Avenue, Yellow Springs Home, Inc. and Miami Township are partnering on a joint venture to site both affordable senior housing and a new fire station in town.

  • Lloyd George Benham

    Lloyd George Benham

    Lloyd George Benham, of Springfield, went to be with the Lord on July 18, 2015.

  • School board praises 2020 Plan

    The Yellow Springs school district’s 2020 Plan, which aims to increase student success by enhancing innovation in teaching and learning, appears to be achieving its goals.

  • High-five hellos at T-ball

    There is joy. Infectious. Mysterious. Wondrous. Astonishing. Impossible to miss.

  • Indians sweep Minor League

    They hadn’t played a game in more than a week, but the regular season Minor League champion Winds Cafe Indians didn’t miss a beat going into tournament play last week.

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