The annual Art Hop, organized by the Yellow Springs Arts Council, gives the public a chance to view art in the context of a home, rather than a gallery. 1) The Hopping house logo signs were designed and painted by Kathleen Verner Moulton. Other art includes works by 2) Nancy Mellon, 3) Jason Morgan, 4) Lisa Wolters, 5) Valerie Spinning and 6) Walter Steinhilber. (submitted photos)
Art House Hop this Saturday
- Published: September 1, 2016
The Yellow Springs Arts Council Art House Hop takes place Saturday, Sept. 3, in Yellow Springs. The annual event is a fund raiser for the Arts Council.
During the event, eight village families will open their homes to participants to show their personal art collections. It’s a opportunity to see art, much of it local art, in an up close and personal way, along with the opportunity to speak to the owners, according to Arts Council Gallery Coordinator Nancy Mellon.
“There’s an enormous amount of art in Yellow Springs,” Mellon said recently. “The whole town is a gallery.”
Tickets for the event are $15, and it takes place from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets can be purchased at the YSAC Gallery on Corry Street or online at ysartscouncil.org. Tickets will provide a map with addresses of the homes included on the hop. The homes can be visited at any order, at the participants’ convenience.
For more information, see a more detailed story in the Sept. 1 Yellow Springs News.
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