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  • Heidi Viemeister memorial

    A celebration of the life of Heidi Viemeister will be held Sunday, Feb. 19, 1 p.m., in the Glen Helen Building.

  • John Lee Winks

    John Lee Winks, retired YS police officer, was born Jan. 12, 1946, and died Monday, Feb. 6, 2017. He was 71.

  • Public Hearing Board of Zoning Appeals

    Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 7 p.m.

  • Meet, eat with new people at ‘The Longest Table’

    The Herndon Gallery at Antioch College will conclude its “Living In Divided States” exhibition with “The Longest Table,” a free community-building shared meal and dialoguing experience, on Saturday, Feb. 11, at noon, in Herndon Gallery.

  • BLOG— The shape of one life

    Each of us has one life. It flows into us at birth and out of us at death. Life keeps on flowing, of course, but the particularity and shape of our one life is gone.

  • Elaine Comegys Film Fest screenings announced

    The 365 Project Young People of Color will present the Elaine Comegys Film Fest during the month of February.

    The 365 Project/Young People of Color will present the annual Elaine Comegys Film Fest at the Little Art Theatre this month.

  • BLOG-Game On

    We all aspire to shape the world a little more in our image.

  • Yarn Registry – I am a Grand Canyon park ranger, part 1

    “As a ranger, you can’t plan your day 100 percent – you’ll leave fifteen minutes early to do a program that’s only five minutes away, but that’s not enough time because there’s an elk in the way and it’s stomping its hoof and raising its head like it is going to charge you.”

  • January 5, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

    January 5, 2017 Bulldog sports round-up

  • An ash tree afterlife

    A local artist used a felled ash tree from the Antioch School to create a new table in the Yellow Springs Library.

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