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  • A rare visit from Maori ‘grannies’

    Three Maori tribal elders of the Waitaha nation are visiting the village at the invitation of tribal priest Raymond Ruka, who lives in the Yellow Springs area. While here, the women, who are members of the Waitaha Grandmothers Executive Council, will offer prayers, earth blessings and storytelling, including at the local schools. Standing, from left, is Kathleen Ruka Wheremate and Jane Mihingarangi Ruka. Seated is Rosina “Rosie” Huriwai. (Photo by Aaron Saari)

    Only Raymond Ruka could have the tribal standing to extend the invitation that has brought three Maori tribal elders all the way from New Zealand to Yellow Springs. 

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Shakespeare, two Mondays a month

    Longtime Shakespeare Study Club members Rae Dewey and Esther Rothman, both now deceased, presented a two-part program, “Fools in Shakespeare,” in 2009, with current member Donna Denman looking on. The group was formed as a women’s club in 1904, and has met continuously since then, still with an all-women membership. Copies of annual program booklets dating back to the club’s earliest years are held in the Antiochiana archives. (Submitted photo; scans courtesy of Antiochiana)

    For 113 years, a members-only group of Yellow Springs women has been meeting to read and discuss the works of Shakespeare and other authors. The women call themselves the Shakespeare Study Club, and that middle word — study — signals the group’s seriousness.

  • Ordinance enacting new chapter 882 entitled “lodging excise tax”


  • Village Council — CBE engineering contract approved

    At its Aug. 21 regular meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a contract for engineering services on the Village-owned property known as the CBE on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Home with Home, Inc.

    Tim and Julia Honchel were honored as the newest homeowners of local affordable housing land trust Home, Inc. at its annual members meeting last Sunday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Tim and Julia Honchel were honored as the newest homeowners of local affordable housing land trust Home, Inc. at its annual members meeting last Sunday.

  • ‘Gear’ up for ‘Into the Wild’ with training rides

    A series of training rides for the upcoming seventh grade "Into the Wild" project begin Thursday, Aug. 31.

    McKinney seventh graders are invited to begin preparing for this year’s “Into the Wild: Learning On the Land” project with a series of bike rides facilitated by teachers.

  • Help make the village “dementia-friendly”

    Over the next 18 months, the YS Senior Center will work with the Greene County Council on Aging, the Alzheimer’s Association and other local service providers to make the village a dementia-friendly community, funded by the Dayton Foundation and the YS Community Foundation.

  • BLOG-Battened Hatches

    Some events are easier to prepare for than others.

  • Bike trails to temporarily close in September for maintenance

    (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Nearly $133,000 from the Transportation Administration Funds administered through the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission will be invested into the maintenance of Greene County’s paved trails managed by Greene County Parks & Trails (GCP&T) with a crack filling and seal coating project scheduled for September.

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