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  • Brown water still present in some areas of village

    Brown water continues to show up in areas around the village.

    The new 16-inch water main is now functional, but the brown water has continued to be present in areas throughout the village. 

  • Fifty years in the same house

    Carl Johnson was Yellow Springs’ local pharmacist for nearly 30 years. His wife, Sue, helped him run the pharmacy, Erbaugh and Johnson’s, where Town Drug now operates. The Johnsons raised two sons in Yellow Springs, and have lived in the same handsome brick home on Dayton Street since 1967. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Fifty years ago this summer, Carl and Sue Johnson moved into a handsome brick home on Dayton Street with their school-aged sons, John and Jim.

  • School board — Mills Lawn ends ILE program

    The longstanding Interest Learning Education Program, or ILE, at Mills Lawn, which arose out of former gifted programming at the elementary school, will be discontinued with the start of the new academic year, according to Superintendent Mario Basora.

  • Friends Music Camp, Godzilla come to town

    Campers from Friends Music Camp marched down Xenia Avenue last year before the camp’s annual concert in Yellow Springs to benefit Glen Helen. This year’s concert will be Saturday, July 29, at the Foundry Theater on Antioch College campus. Tickets are $10, with a $4 discount for students. Children 3 and younger will be admitted free of charge. (Archive Photo by Matt Minde)

    One of the threads that runs through Friends Music Camp, now in its 37th year — and its second located on the campus of Earlham College — is Godzilla, instructor, counselor and ex-camper Rory Papania said.

  • Sea dogs place fourth in swim meet

    The final swim meet of the season for the Sea Dogs turned out to be a record-setting one for the team, with 12 team records and one league record being broken. Pictured are Joslyn Herring, Allie Hundley, Gini Meekin and Kaitlyn Uptegraft, who broke the team record for the 100-free relay in the girls ages 9–10 category. (Submitted photo)

    The Yellow Springs Aquatic Club — the Sea Dogs — ended their season on July 22, placing fourth out of six teams in the league championship meet, and breaking twelve team records and one league record.

  • Village crew leader Johnnie Burns — Recognition for job well done

    Johnnie Burns, right, the Village of Yellow Springs superintendent of electric and water distribution, recently received a Larry Hobart “Seven Hats” award from the the American Association of Public Power, a national award honoring managers of small town utilities. Burns is shown here last Friday helping to reset an electric pole on Walnut Street knocked over by a fallen tree. At left is Kent Harding. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Johnnie Burns and his crew appeared in the middle of the road on Fairfield Pike, where the water had mysteriously stopped running. They first had to figure out what the problem was — was a pipe broken or frozen? — and then had to locate the pipe. It wasn’t easy.

  • Board of Education 2017-18 Free and Reduced Meals

    Yellow Springs Exempted Village Schools

  • Orchestrating support

    A capacity crowd turned out for the annual Friends Music Camp benefit concert for Glen Helen, which took place last Saturday, July 29, at the Foundry Theater. Both campers and camp staffers performed a varied program ranging from Wagner to Gershwin, including American folk music, jazz and original compositions. The event raised more than $2,140 for the Glen, with checks still coming in. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    A capacity crowd turned out for the annual Friends Music Camp benefit concert for Glen Helen, which took place last Saturday, July 29, at the Foundry Theater.

  • Board of Education

    Routine Business

  • Public Hearing Planning Commission

    Monday, August 14, 2017, 7 p.m.; Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Bryan Center

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