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  • Vote to aid Gaunt Sculpture Project

    The local effort to erect an “over-life-size” bronze statue of Wheeling Gaunt made a splash at the Yellow Springs Fourth of July parade last summer. Project steering committee member Dave Neuhardt, president of the the Yellow Springs Historical Society, is behind the tractor wheel. Visible on board the float, which featured a papier-maché depiction of Gaunt’s head, are Malaya Booth and Bob Huston. (Archive photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Yellow Springs has been nominated for America’s Main Street Contest, with the chance to win $25,000 to be pledged toward the Wheeling Gaunt Sculpture Project.

  • “No more fear” — Students walk out to protest school shootings

    Local students gathered downtown for a rally last Friday, April 20, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of a school shooting at Columbine High School. Pictured are, from left, Mason Lindsey, JJ Bledsoe, Ellery Bledsoe and Mark Bricker (at rear). Students walked out of Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School and marched downtown to express their support for stricter gun control measures and to urge the government to do more to improve school safety. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Students from McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High Schools participated in the National School Walkout on Friday, April 20. See a gallery from the protest.

  • Coroner identifies deceased person

    Veterinarian Scott Hosket in 2005: at left, talking with Randy Rife about one of his sheep during visit to Rife’s Miami Township farm. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The deceased person found yesterday at the office of local veterinarian Dr. Charles (Scott) Hosket has been identified as Dr. Hosket, 65, according to a statement this morning from the Greene County Coroner.

  • There’s nothing ordinary for this veterinarian

    Veterinarian Scott Hosket in 2005: at left, talking with Randy Rife about one of his sheep during visit to Rife’s Miami Township farm. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    It’s springtime, which means that local vet Scott Hosket, a busy man in any season, finds himself traveling on dirt roads late at night and getting even less sleep than usual.

  • Saturday will be a day for records

    The third weekend of April brings with it Record Store Day, which Josh Castleberry, owner of Toxic Beauty Records, attributes with the exposure that put his store on the map. (Photo by Will Drewing)

    Record Store Day is an annual celebration of record store culture, observed on the Saturday nearest to 4/20. Local record store, Toxic Beauty Records is here to help vinyl record fans enjoy the day.

  • Investigation ongoing at Hosket’s

    At 11:19 a.m. on Thursday, April 19, the Greene County Sheriff’s Department was called to the veterinary office and home of Dr. Scott Hosket at 4450 U.S. 68 North, just north of Yellow Springs, due to reports of a shooting.

  • To the nines

    James Johnston rehearsed the combined forces of the Yellow Springs Community Orchestra and Chorus in preparation for the Saturday evening's performance of Beethoven's groundbreaking 9th Symphony, at 7:30 p.m. in Antioch College’s Foundry Theater. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Community Orchestra and Chorus join forces Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Antioch College’s Foundry Theater, to present Beethoven’s Ninth symphony, as well as two works by American composer Randall Thompson.


    Begins Monday, May 7


    The Village of Yellow Springs will be holding four Community Conversations
    on housing needs.


    Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 6 p.m.. Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center,

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