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  • Restorative Justice Conference this weekend

    A two-day conference on restorative justice and sexual violence takes place this weekend in Yellow Springs.

  • Power play

    Pictured above during Mills Lawn School's 2018 Field Day, pulling from left, are Maggie Wright, Summer Andell, Peyton Jones, Olivia Hasek, Adeline Zinger, Claire Lewis and parent volunteer Beth Bayard. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    Mills Lawn Elementary held the annual end-of-the-year Field Day on the last full day of school, Wed., May 30.



  • Donald Howard Keats, Ph.D.

    Donald Howard Keats, Ph.D.

    Donald Howard Keats, Ph.D., an award-winning composer, former professor of music at Antioch College, and longtime former resident of Yellow Springs, died on April 27 at the age of 88.

  • All downhill

    Students of Ms. Eastman’s science class and Mr. Collins’ math class designed and rendered variations on a standard soapbox racer to come up with the fastest, most effective shape. Shown above in the driver’s seat is Sam Anderson; standing is teammate Temple Siemer, who cheered him on. The winning racer was designed and built by Peter Skidmore, Ashley Abnadell and Rosemary Burmester. (Photo by Susan Gartner)

    McKinney Middle School eighth-graders navigated handmade soapbox racers down Fairfield Pike last Thursday in the culmination of a PBL project.

  • Deborah Fugett and John Neff memorial

    A memorial for Deborah Fugett and John Neff will be held Saturday, June 2, 4 p.m., in the Glen Forest Cemetery.



  • C’mon and dance!

    Celia Diamond beckoned onlookers to join in the fun at the annual Senior Center flash mob dance on Wednesday, May 30. (Photo by Lauren ‘Chuck’ Shows)

    The annual Senior Center flash mob dance on Wednesday, May 30 on Short St drew participants from both the Senior Center and the Children’s Center.

  • May 31, 2018 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    May 31, 2018 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Monday, June 4, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

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