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    Wednesday, Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center

  • Township Trustees— New approach for fire station bids

    Miami Township officials last week began advertising for a “construction manager” to oversee and coordinate bidding by sub-contractors to build the anticipated new firehouse on the south side of town, township Trustee Chairperson Chris Mucher reported during the trustees most recent meeting Monday, April 1.

  • YSCCC now enrolls the ‘littles’

    The Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center now enrolls infants aged six weeks to 17 months. The infant program at the almost 75-year-old local nonprofit opened in November, with four infants so far, including Zsa’Lynn, 10 months, who loves to dance and chew. Looking on is lead teacher Aille Turner, an experienced infant and toddler caregiver. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Cuteness alert: there are new babies in town. Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, or YSCCC, now accepts infants aged six weeks to 17 months as part of its recently created infant program, which opened in November.

  • ‘A tear in the social fabric’ — Beloved son, friend still missing

    Anyone who spends much time in downtown Yellow Springs knows Lonya Clark, called Leo by many of his friends. A once daily presence in the coffee shops and streets of town, the young man is known for greeting most everyone with a smile and friendly nod. Clark hasn’t been seen or heard from since mid-January.

  • Village Artisans to host pollinator-themed community art show

    In honor of National Pollinator Week in June, Village Artisans Gallery in Yellow Springs has announced a call for entries for a special exhibition called “Birds & Bees: Pollinator Awareness — A Community Art Show.”

  • Claudettes return for Peach’s show

    Chicago-based four piece, The Claudettes, makes their Peach’s Grill debut this Saturday, April 6, at 10 p.m.



  • Read Village manager candidate responses

    Village Council has released the names of the four finalists for the Village manager position. Read their responses to questions drafted by the Village manager search committee and the Yellow Springs News.

  • Read Village manager candidate responses

    Village Council has released the names of the four finalists for the Village manager position. Read their responses to questions drafted by the Village manager search committee and the Yellow Springs News.

  • Kid Scouts volunteers fight hunger

    About 50 adults and kids took part in last week’s meal-packing event for the Kid Scouts Hunger Van, which took place at the Senior Center Great Room. Pictured above, from left, is Kelley, Sage and Cole Oberg, and Jyoti Miller. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 50 adults and kids took part in last week’s meal-packing event for the Kid Scouts Hunger Van, which took place at the Senior Center Great Room.

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