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  • Solar co-op to host info meeting

    The Greene County Solar Co-op will hold an informational meeting on Wednesday, May 8, at the Glen Helen Ecology Institute building, 405 Corry St., Yellow Springs.

  • Food truck reopens after fire

    Aahar India reopened earlier this month, after closing for several months following a grease fire that severely damaged the local Indian food truck. Here, owner Akhilesh Nigam cuts cauliflower inside the new trailer he purchased and equipped, thanks in part to donations from customers and local businesses. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Aahar India is open again, and owner Akhilesh Nigam couldn’t be happier.

  • Spring clean-up week begins

    Week of May 6–10, 2019

  • Body in Glen identified—Villager’s death investigated as homicide 

    A body found Friday afternoon, April 12, in Glen Helen Nature Preserve has been identified by  authorities as missing Yellow Springs resident Leonid “Lonya” Clark.

  • Council makes offer to VM candidate

    The four finalists for Yellow Springs Village manager visited town last week for a three-day whirlwind of tours, meetings, presentations and interviews. On Wednesday, April 10, the candidates met with community leaders for roundtable discussions over lunch in Birch Hall at Antioch College. Clockwise from top left, Antioch College President Tom Manley listened to candidate Allyson Murray; Lisa Abel jotted down notes while candidate Pete Bales spoke; villager Pan Reich and candidate Elke Doom looked on; Scott Osterholm watched as candidate Josue Salmon answered a question. Council made an offer to an unidentified candidate this week. (Photos by Megan Bachman)

    Yellow Springs may soon have a new Village manager.After four finalists for the position visited town last week, Village Council has made an offer to one of the candidates, the News confirmed this week.

  • Helen Westneat

    Helen Westneat

    Helen Westneat, a 46-year resident of Yellow Springs, died Sunday, April 21, 2019, about six weeks after suffering a stroke. She was 85.

  • Major gas line fix underway

    A major gas line replacement project has started in Yellow Springs. Over the next eight months, nearly two miles of natural gas mains and 140 service lines will be replaced here, according to a recent press release from Vectren Energy Delivery.

  • Mary Donahoe Memorial

    Mary Donahoe

    A celebration of the life of Mary Donahoe will be held Sunday, May 19, 2 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs.

  • Leonid ‘Lonya’ Clark

    Leonid ‘Lonya’ Clark

    Leonid “Lonya” Clark, beloved son and lifelong village resident, has passed on.

  • Gail Pettigrew

    Gail Pettigrew passed away on Saturday, April 20, 2019.

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