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  • Forest Village Homes—Home, Inc. expands to rentals

    Nick Cunningham and his Japanese bobtail cat, Manny, in the fully accessible kitchen of Cunningham’s new rental apartment at 511 Dayton St. The apartment, one half of a newly built duplex, is part of Forest Village Homes, an affordable, accessible rental project developed by Home, Inc. to meet local rental housing needs. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    How hard is it to find an affordable, accessible rental in Yellow Springs? Ask Nick Cunningham, a medal-winning Paralympic athlete and the current president of the Village’s Human Relations Commission, or HRC.

  • Karen Shirley

    Karen Shirley, born Feb. 26, 1938, died on April 16, 2019. She was 81.

  • Animated documentary at the Little Art—The tragic history of nuclear testing

    A still from the animated documentary, Day of the Western Sunrise, about 23 crew members of a fishing boat, who survived the atomic bomb test in the Bikini Atoll in 1954. (DALIBORKAfilms)

    On the morning of March 1, 1954, on an island in the central Pacific, the United States detonated the most powerful atomic bomb it would ever test. In less than a second, the 15-megaton blast irradiated the island chain, as well as 23 Japanese fishermen on a fishing boat.

  • The social utopia of the ‘Mystic Knights’

    Former members of the Mystic Knights of Nowhere and H.U.M.A.N met earlier this year at the Yellow Springs Library to reminisce. From left: Neal Crandall, Pam Davis, Joan Chappelle, Aminullah Ahmad, Donna Silvert, Priscilla Moore, Victor Garcia, Tanya Fetcho and Mike Miller. (Submitted photo )

    It was during the late 1970s at an idyllic riverfront property in Clifton that a group of Yellow Springers came to form a legendary, diverse social club.

  • Terry Snider

    Terry Snyder at Heartbeat Farms. (Photo from

    A celebration of the life of Terry Snider will be held Saturday, May 4, beginning at 3 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church.

  • Janet E. Gay Memorial

    A memorial service for Janet E. Gay, who passed away on Sept. 11, 2018, will be held on Saturday, May 4, at 1 p.m.

  • Antioch College’s Earth Week—All are invited to ‘wade in’

    Baoku Moses will perform with the World House Choir in concert Monday, April 22, at 7 p.m., in the Foundry Theater, as part of Antioch College’s Earth Week events. (Submitted Photo)

    A series of Earth Day-related events on the Antioch College campus next week  invites the entire community to “Wade In” on environmental justice, particularly in relationship to water.

  • Clean-up week coming soon

    The annual spring clean-up week will return to the village in a few weeks.

    The annual spring clean-up week will be held Monday–Friday, May 6–10. During that week, household items, large and small, placed at the curb with regular trash pick-up will be removed for free by Rumpke. This service is available to Village solid waste customers only.

  • Film on nuclear weapons testing to screen

    A still from the animated documentary, Day of the Western Sunrise, about 23 crew members of a fishing boat, who survived the atomic bomb test in the Bikini Atoll in 1954. (DALIBORKAfilms)

    During Earth Week in Yellow Springs, a new documentary film will screen on the infamous Castle Bravo nuclear test and the history and legacy of U.S. nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific.

  • Water the focus of ‘Earth Week’ at Antioch College

    A series of Earth Day-related events on the Antioch College campus next week invites the entire community to “Wade In” on environmental justice, particularly in relationship to water.

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