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  • Robert Acton

    Dr. Robert W. “Bob” Acton, 81, of Preston, Minn., passed away on July 7, 2019, following a struggle with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Ghamar Behjati

    Ghamar Tabibian Behjati, 98, of Yellow Springs, ascended into the next station of life on July 5, 2019.

  • Yvonne Perry

    Yvonne E. Perry, 80, of Yellow Springs, passed away Friday, July 5, 2019.

  • SpringsFest’s diverse line-up

    Crowds gathered on the grounds of the Bryan Center early in the day at last year’s SpringsFest. The music festival will return this Saturday, July 6, 11 a.m.–11 p.m., with a new lineup of acts, as well as food, beer and art vendors. (YS News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    The fourth annual SpringsFest will return to the village on Saturday, July 6, with 12 hours of music, craft beer and food vendors on the grounds of John Bryan Community Center. 

  • The Longest Walk 2019— Spiritual journey makes stop

    Five Native American activists who are crossing the country in a five-month trek called “The Longest Walk: We Shall Continue” stopped Thursday, June 27, at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus to share information about their journey and the 11 issues they carry. Pictured, from left, are walkers Michael Lane, Sharon Heta and Cynthia Young. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    On the 137th day of a planned 155-day walk across the country, a small group of Native American activists stopped last week at Antioch College to talk about the issues that led them to spend five months on the road.

  • Pirates take back lead in Minor League

    The Tom’s Market Pirates reclaimed the top of the Minor League standings going into the final week of play, but their lead is a slim one.

  • Village Council — Solar producers challenge cap

    Should the Village raise its cap on the amount of solar energy it buys from local residences? Village Council broached that question at its July 1 regular meeting.

  • YSKP brings back the old West

    The Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse will perform “Bonanza Valley!” at the Antioch College Foundry Theater. Show dates are set for July 10, 11 and 13 at 7:30 p.m. and July 14 at 3 p.m. This production marks the 25th anniversary for YSKP. (Submitted Photo)

    “Bonanza Valley!” is anything but the typical “cowboys and Indians” narrative. Instead, the YSKP play retells the story of the Western frontier in a way that explores and challenges “Old West” traditions of property, power and gender. It runs through Sunday.

  • Perry League — T-ballers play through rain, rainbows

    Ella Bristline, 3, took off for the base, leaving Topher Besson, 3, on the bag and in the dust on Friday's Perry League T-ball game. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    We don’t hear thunder. There were dark clouds to the east of us, and more to the west. But people keep showing up, keep coming to the diamond. We decide to play.

  • Fire, EMS calls on the rise

    Casey Brewer, who first came to Miami Township Fire-Rescue in 2013 as a member of the Explorer Post for teens, took this photo at a recent training event and shared it on the MTFR Facebook page. Brewer, 19, recently received EMT certification, Chief Colin Altman reported at the Miami Township Trustees’ most recent meeting Monday, July 1. (Submitted photo by Casey Brewer)

    Crew members of Miami Township Fire-Rescue are responding to more emergency calls than ever before, according to statistics recently released by the department.

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