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  • About the Lauren Heaton Scholarship Fund for Aspiring Journalists

    In memory of native villager and longtime Yellow Springs News reporter Lauren Heaton, the Yellow Springs News has established a fund for an annual journalism scholarship.

  • Not guilty plea entered in YS murder case

    In arraignment proceedings Thursday afternoon, Nov. 21, at the Greene County courthouse in Xenia, defense council for area resident Zyrian Atha-Arnett entered a plea of not guilty to two counts of murder and one count of felonious assault in the stabbing death earlier this year of local man Leonid “Lonya” Clark.

  • Council closes in on 2020 budget

    Next year the Village of Yellow Springs is projected to bring in $13.9 million and spend $15.4 million, according to a draft budget Council considered at its Nov. 4 meeting.

  • Origins of the traffic trial

    The barricades and signs along Short, South Walnut and Limestone streets were taken down earlier this week as a three-week temporary transportation project downtown came to an end.

    The Village of Yellow Springs is now gathering opinions and observations of the traffic trial in hopes of deciding on a permanent solution for the area. An online survey closes after Nov. 23.

  • Margaret ‘Peg’ Champney— A life entwined with the News

    Margaret “Peg” Champney. whose longtime residence in Yellow Springs was closely intertwined with the life and history of the Yellow Springs News, died Tuesday evening, Nov. 5, after a brief illness. She was 87.

    A quiet, steady presence at the News throughout her adult life, Champney’s 68-year tenure at the local paper likely qualified her as its longest serving employee.

  • ‘Building a jail larger than we need’— Citizens give input at jail tax hearing

    Does Greene County need a bigger jail? And what would be the costs of operating a larger facility?

    Those were the chief questions and concerns voiced by citizens at last Thursday’s public hearing on a proposed sales tax increase to pay for a new county jail, estimated at a total cost of $70 million.

  • Vernay Follow-Up Meeting

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Ordinances re: Weed Removal

    Village of Yellow Springs

    ORDINANCES 2019-40; 41; 42; & 43

  • Annual Flour and Sugar Distribution

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Ordinances re: Handling of Junk Cars

    Village of Yellow Springs

    ORDINANCES 2019-37; 38; & 39

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