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  • Solidarity on Stonewall anniversary

    What happened at Stonewall in NYC 1969, was a riot against the police. It wasn’t in answer to just a few homophobic police officers targeting our social havens in one city. This was a manifestation of our rage against the socially, politically, legally sanctioned nationwide assault on our culture.

  • Schools prepare to reopen Aug. 27

    From left, Jack Hutchings, Maddox Fry, Era Creepingbear and Alayna Hamilton were among the Mills Lawn students who took part in Hour of Code last week, an international movement designed to introduce children of all ages to computer science and coding. Megan Bennett’s third-grade class was already ahead of the curve, having completed a project-based learning, or PBL, project called “Coding Cadets” this fall. The third graders took their coding knowledge to their older and younger peers, coaching each Mills Lawn class in the basics of creating with code. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The current message from Ohio’s governor is that schools will reopen in the fall, but local districts will have a great deal of control over how that happens and what the return looks like, Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden told the local school board last week.

  • Creating wildlife habitat, villagewide

    In late summer, native sunflowers in Ellen Hoover’s garden draw goldfinches. The bright yellow birds feast on seeds, then burst out like sunflower petals flung to the sky. Down the street, monarch butterflies browse Catherine Zimmerman’s coneflowers, goldenrod and asters.

  • COVID-19 update— ‘Worrisome’ trend? More new cases

    New cases of COVID-19 are rising in Greene County, Gov. Mike DeWine said at his June 18 press briefing. He highlighted Greene County as one of five southwest Ohio counties that have seen case increases in June.

  • Celebrate Pride 2020 in Yellow Springs

    The Yellow Springs Pride Committee will kick off the annual Pride celebrations with a car parade on Saturday, June 27, followed by live streamed speakers, music and the announcement of the winners of the “Most Prideful Yard” contest.

  • Police reform at the YSPD— What’s done, what’s next?

    At a special meeting tonight called to hear the final report of an independent investigation into the New Year's Eve Ball Drop tensions between villagers and police, shown above, Investigator David Williamson said the investigation is not yet finished. (Submitted photo by Margaret Kinner Fisher)

    Amid national calls for policing reform following the most recent wave of killings of Black people by police officers, villagers are once again raising their voices for change in the Yellow Springs Police Department.

  • Antioch College announces $2.5 million budget cut; staff, faculty let go

    Antioch College is cutting spending by $2.5 million in the coming fiscal year. Eight staff employees are being laid off, and the college is reducing its faculty by six, through separations and one retirement.

  • Board of Zoning Appeals • Public Hearing

    Board of Zoning Appeals • Public Hearing

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education • Special Meeting

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice

    Yellow Springs Board of Education • Legal Notice

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