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  • Peggy Miller

    The life of Peggy Miller, which she often described as “perfect,” ended on Friday, June 5, at the age of 91.

  • Ordinance 2020-10

    Ordinance 2020-10

  • Ordinance 2020-07

    Ordinance 2020-07

  • Public Meetings


  • Regular Council Meeting — June 1, 2020

    The following items were discussed at Council’s June 1 regular meeting, held on the videoconference app Zoom.

  • School district extends meal program

    School may have concluded for the summer, but the Yellow Springs student lunch and breakfast program is continuing for an additional month, through the end of June.

  • DMS ink sold to Cincinnati-based marketing firm

    DMS ink, a direct mail and printing services company located at 888 Dayton St., sold last month for an undisclosed amount to Graphic Village, a print marketing firm. The deal was finalized on May 19. The new owner plans to maintain the local facility, which employs about 40 people. No current employees reside in Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs’ own ‘Cassandra’: An interview with Dr. Allen Hunt

    This week, the News spoke with Dr. Allen Hunt, who was one of the earliest to sound the alarm about an impending pandemic. He addresses how the shutdown limited deaths from COVID-19, projections for a second wave, a potential vaccine and the problem with waiting for “herd immunity.”

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education • Executive Session

    Yellow Springs Board of Education • Executive Session

  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Virtual Meeting • Monday, June 15 , 2020 at 7 p.m.

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