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  • Public Meetings


  • 2021 TAX BUDGET

    2021 TAX BUDGET

  • Council urges masks in public; won’t enforce

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Glen Helen capital campaign— GHA seeks to raise $3.5M

    Rebecca Jaramilla, director of the Raptor Center at Glen Helen Nature Preserve, handled Velocity, a female peregrine falcon, during a raptor photography program at the center on Sunday, Feb. 24. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    Glen Helen isn’t open — yet. But the Glen’s new future owner is moving rapidly to raise funds, restore staff and work to reopen the 1,000-acre local nature preserve, which has been closed to the public since late March due to COVID-19.

  • Village planning commission — New distillery at Millworks

    At its June 9 virtual meeting, the YS Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve a conditional use permit for a new distillery to be located at Millworks. The distillery, Tuck-N-Reds Spirits & Wine, will be located in currently vacant space next to Yellow Springs Brewery; it will also use the site of the former S&G Distillery as its office space.

  • Yellow Springs Council passes resolution on masks; won’t enforce requirement

    At its June 15 virtual meeting, Village Council passed a resolution asking people to wear a facial covering, socially distance from one another and clean their hands frequently while in downtown Yellow Springs to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • ‘Worrisome’ COVID-19 rise in Greene County and SW Ohio

    Greene County is one of five southwest Ohio counties in which COVID-19 cases are rising, even as cases overall are falling in Ohio. Gov. Mike DeWine called the trend “worrisome” at his June 18 press briefing.

  • A closer look at COVID’s first wave

    In light of reopening, the News reviews how the pandemic has played out so far in the village and county, and looks at plans to reduce the spread of the virus as the shutdown comes to an end.

  • First Lines — Heart of compassion

    Amid the turmoil on Earth, have you looked at the stars? Villager Tim Morand contributes this month’s poem, a meditation on compassion, the shifts in human life and the grandeur of the night sky.

  • YS Development Corporation— Educational commons explored

    Antioch College Main Building.

    Conversations have begun between several of Yellow Springs’ educational institutions that could lead to novel partnerships and possibly significant changes in the local learning landscape.

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