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  • Test post about elephants.

    Elephant test

    This is simply a test about elephants.

  • Village merchants launch ‘Uplift YS’ fund

    Fearing the future of their shops, and the entire downtown, a group of merchants has banded together to launch the campaign in partnership with the Yellow Springs Community Foundation.

  • Justice delayed

    Yellow Springs was one of more than 350 cities and towns across the country to hold a demonstration after the killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota earlier in the week.

  • YSPD, Yellow Springs Schools issue statements on recent police killings

    This week, Yellow Springs Police Chief Brian Carlson and Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Terri Holden released statements addressing the recent death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis, and the ongoing issues of police brutality against people of color in the country.

  • Chester B. Cooper

    Chester B. Cooper, age 71, of Xenia, passed away on May 26, 2020, surrounded by his family.

  • Jonas Elbert Bender

    A visitation service for Jonas Bender was held on Friday, June 5 at Central Chapel AME Church, 6–7 p.m.

  • Martin Harold Benedict Borchers

    Too young and too sudden, our loving and beloved Martin Harold Benedict Borchers, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, died on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 10 a.m. in a car accident on Jackson Road.

  • Speakers focus on hope, resilience

    There’s no denying that the class of 2020 has had a difficult, and in many ways disappointing, finish to the academic year. But the two new graduates chosen to speak for their class at Wednesday evening’s commencement ceremony are focusing on resilience, compassion and hope as they move into the next chapter of their lives.

  • COVID-19 update— Nursing homes vulnerable

    Nursing homes across Ohio have adopted similar measures, and all have been operating under visitor restrictions since ordered to do so by the state health department on March 13.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Mills Lawn principal selected

    During a special online meeting of the Yellow Springs school board Wednesday, May 20, the board unanimously approved a two-year contract for Michelle Person, who will be coming to the district from Cleveland schools effective Aug. 1.

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