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Local resident Isaac Powers, 15, was fatally injured by a vehicle while biking on Polecat Road near Ellis Park. (Photo by YS News staff)

Local teen killed in crash

On Tuesday, July 4, local resident Isaac Powers was struck by a vehicle while biking near Ellis Park. Powers, 15, was fatally injured in the crash.

According to Ohio State Highway Patrol, or OSHP, the crash occurred at around 5:10 p.m. Tuesday. Powers was riding his bike on the bike path when he entered the bicycle crossing, traveling west across Polecat Road toward the park. He was struck by a vehicle operated by Margie Baldwin, 91, of Springfield, who was traveling north on Polecat Road.

Powers died on-site as a result of his injuries; Baldwin was treated for minor injuries on the scene.

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OSHP has not reported how fast the driver was traveling at the time of the crash.

The intersection of the bike path with Polecat Road lies just outside village limits in Miami Township. The nearest speed limit sign to the site of the crash — which is posted at village limits near the intersection of Northwood Drive and Polecat Road about .2 miles south of where the bike path intersects the road — indicates a limit of 25 mph. It’s unclear where that speed limit coverage ends, as there are no speed limit signs posted from Ellis Park heading northbound into Clark County at least as far as Hustead Road. According to Ohio law, the maximum speed for rural county and township roads is 55 mph.

Signs warning drivers of an upcoming bicycle crossing are posted on both north and southbound sides of the road approaching the crossing; stop signs are posted for cyclists on the bike path at the intersection.

The crash is being investigated by the Xenia Post of the OSHP, who were assisted on the scene by the Greene County Sheriff’s Office, Yellow Springs Police Department and Miami Township Fire-Rescue.

Powers was a student in the Yellow Springs Schools. On Wednesday morning, July 5, the Communications Department of Yellow Springs Schools sent out a message to area students and parents offering counseling.

“To support our students, school counselors will be available today [July 5] at the high school to provide the compassion, respect and support they need as they process this unimaginable loss,” the message read. “The faculty, staff and Board of Education extend our heartfelt sympathies to the Powers family and to all of their friends during this difficult time.”

Those who are interested in arranging to meet with a school counselor are asked to email Julie Gunn at

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12 Responses to “Local teen killed in crash”

  1. Helmet says:

    This article DOES NOT specify whether Isaac was wearing a helmet or not.

    Recent stats show 79% of bike fatalities were bikers NOT wearing a helmet.

    Don’t know if it is a factor here, but it is very important–even on a bike path–please were a helmet. Thank you!

    So sorry for the World’s loss. Condolences to all. Very sad story.

  2. Tom says:

    The car driver was heading (north) out from the village. She had just left a 25mph area – about one cow pasture from where the bicyclist was struck as he popped out from behind the shrubs.
    I doubt the driver was going anything like 55mph in such a short distance.
    Because of that shrubbery — they neither could see the other until the last second.

  3. Lee Kibblewhite says:

    That stretch of road is often frequented by pedestrians and dog walkers, there is no sidewalk between the edge of town and Ellis Park. I suggest a 25mph speed limit up to the entrance including the bike path. The hedge could probably be cut back a couple more feet, too.

    Prayers and peace to the family.

  4. Comment says:

    I’m not sure I understand how this happened. The highway patrol said ‘speed was not a factor.’ Does that mean that the driver was within the speed limit which was—25 or 55?? I’m somewhat confused about that. Also, was Isaac wearing a helmet? Usually there are reduced speeds on rural roadways that are approaching city/village limits because they’re more populated than leisure country drives; I’d think that would be true especially of a touristy location such as Yellow Springs. Prayers for all involved and hope more light is shone on how this death occurred. (Very saddened by this) I am certain that Yellow Springs will continue to investigate until they conclude how best to keep this from happening again. They care about their youth and all villager well being.

  5. Barbara says:

    We drove by the exact area today while in town for a paper. There is the park. There is the bike path. There is the Village limits. All VERY Close together. People in the park. People on the bike path. People in the Village. WHY is a 55 MPH speed limit necessary even within a mile of such an equation? What’s the f’n hurry? I’m sickened by this incident and this terrible loss. Promote safety and demand changes. Now. This teen’s death should not have happened. A 25 mph impact might have been survived –if the area had mandated a reduced speed. That area needs changes. It just feels very wrong with the way it is currently. Do better. Condolences to the family, friends, and Village.

  6. Margo Daniels says:

    Such a dangerous spot! Need a flashing lighted sign northbound here – and one for bicycle path users

  7. Banks says:

    The crossing is visible. Why didn’t the driver swerve? Go into the ditch or reduce speed? The fences and possibly the cows could have lessened any impact to the driver AND saved Powers.

    Age affects reaction time. Loss of life is a tragedy regardless of age. Life is a precious gift.

    What does this mean? If one sees a pedestrian crossing a road, you treat him/her like a deer and hit … head on to avoid personal injury and property damage?

    FOR ME, …Ellis Park has been altered forever.

  8. Banks says:

    I concur. This tragic accident should not have taken Issac. Bumps and bruises perhaps. I
    frequent Ellis Park and too many people speed. May Issac RIP and may God comfort his family and friends.

    May the Community FUND the placement of flashing lights to save other bikers.

    a lot of time at Ellis and too many people speed.

  9. Jenny Good says:

    As a mother who lost a 12 year old son, and as a human being, my heart goes out to the family of this young person. I am so sorry for your loss. May God speed comfort and healing in all ways needed.

  10. Theo Stephan says:

    My sincere sympathy for this teen, his family, friends and the driver also. How traumatic for all. I use that road frequently and am always alarmed by the “no speed limit” sign and also the lack of effective warning signage for both drivers and bicycles. It’s difficult to know who has the right of way and even if the bicyclers do have a stop sign we all know bicyclers seldom stop! That’s an odd place for a bicycle crossing. Drivers need to be told to slow down ahead of the cussing with yellow flashing lights.

  11. Harold McIntyre says:

    No one should be driving alone above the age of 80. Tired of old people killing young people with vehicles and guns.

  12. Beau says:

    My sincere condolences to Issac’s family and the whole Yellow Springs community’s loss.

    Please slow down that speed limit for safety. ((Prayers))

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