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The above comic by Ohio-based watercolorist and cartoonist Leland McClelland appeared on the editorial page in the July 29, 1948, issue of the Yellow Springs News. (YS News archives)

News from the Past: July 2023

75 years ago: 1948

Advertisement. “Swim this summer at Orton Pool in Bryan State Park! Single swim prices: adults, 35¢. Children, 20¢.”

Local landscaper busy on Florida trip. “Louise Odiorne, Yellow Springs landscape architect and community planner, with the two Odiorne daughters, Eve and Corinne, has just returned from three weeks on-the-site work on her two-year-old assignment as community planner for Melbourne Village, Florida, a new community sponsored largely by Dayton people.”

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Gunfire uptown as stolen car is recovered. “The stolen car, a ‘38 Buick sedan, appropriated in a Dayton parking lot by Clarence James Stitt, 24, earlier in the day, raced through the Xenia Avenue business district of the village with the police car in close pursuit, its siren screaming.”

Editorial: “Progressive promises as bad as Democratic and Republican promises.” “Lest we appear not to be partisan, we urge that every voter do what he can to build morality into our political structure by supporting America’s party of principle, a party whose leaders long ago were proven to be men of principle who can be trusted — the Socialist Party.” —Kieth Howard, YS News Editor

50 years ago: 1973

College begins summer term. “A new term begins at Antioch College Friday with 243 new students, many with their parents, expected on campus.”

Consumer boycott to save the whales. “In the case of Japan, [the Fund for Animals] recommends a boycott of Japanese consumer goods, coupled with a letter to the manufacturer explaining the reason you chose not to buy his product.”

Emergency run. “Emergency squad personnel were called to Dick’s Coffee Shop yesterday morning to aid proprietor Dick Bullen, who became choked on a wayward French fry.”

Fifty horses in show. “The Riding Centre Association had beautiful weather and a good turnout for its 1973 annual Horse Show held Sunday. Of the 50 riders were locals Linda Closz, Judy Houston, Carolyn Myatt, Dianne Sherry, Wendy Watson and Stephanie Williams.”

Loud music at dance brings rash of complaints to police. “The Yellow Springs police department was flooded with complaints Friday evening, after music from a teen dance at Gaunt Park carried farther than the dance sponsors anticipated.”

Council debates — Tough PUD law here? “If the Village Plan Board’s view prevails, Planned Unit Developments will be restricted to an average of six families per acre. If Village Council President Tony Bent’s view is adopted, there would be no specified restrictions on number; a developer could build whatever he could persuade Plan Board and Council to accept.”

Bookplate Co. shows growth. “The Antioch Bookplate Co. shows a 36% increase in sales and a 157% increase in profits for the first half of 1973.”

25 years ago: 1998

Prickly loss. “A rare six foot Montrose Cactus was stolen Monday from Thomas A. Blessing IV’s front deck on North Park Place.”

Editorial: “Trashy behavior.” “The newly installed bench in front of Weaver’s Market last week wasn’t there a day before it got trashed with empty paper bags, styrofoam cups and cigarette butts beneath it. The trash barrel’s just a few steps away. Pick it up, people. This is your home. Act like you care.” —Amy Harper, YS News Editor

Bob Devine named Antioch College president. “The Chairman of the Antioch University Board of Trustees on Friday named Bob Devine as the 19th president of Antioch College.”

Women’s Park to be dedicated. “The Yellow Springs Women’s Park will open officially with a celebration on July 19.”

Council approves wellfield plan. “A six-year effort aimed at protecting the Village wellfield from contamination culminated Monday in a decision by Village Council to send the first two phases of a Wellfield Protection Plan to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for review and possible approval.”

Glass Farm proposal resurfaces. “The 44-acre piece of property was the focus of a ‘comprehensive strategic proposal’ presented to Council at its July 20 meeting. Supporters called for affordable housing on the property that was voted down last November, following a long and contentious community debate.”

10 years ago: 2013

New Senior Center director. “The YS Senior Center announced the selection of Karen Wolford as executive director.”

Letter: “Time to replace the Big Toy.” “It is with mixed emotions that we announce the replacement of our damaged Big Toy (our treasured wooden playground set) at Mills Lawn School.” —Mario Basora, superintendent, YS school district

Late night High Street shootout ends in villager’s death. A firefight and all-night standoff took place at a North High Street residence between 10:45 p.m. July 30 and 4 a.m. July 31, putting the neighborhood and village at high alert. The hours-long gunfire exchanged between village resident Paul E. Schenck, 42, and 83 law enforcement officers from across the county — along with three SWAT vehicles and several SWAT teams — ultimately ended with Schenck’s death from a sheriff sniper’s bullet. Around 100 people gathered at Mills Lawn the following day in a candlelight vigil for Schenck.

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