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  • Bleything pleads guilty to murder, YSPD chief responds

    On Monday, Nov. 18, Jackson Isaiah Bleything, 22, pleaded guilty to the March 14 murder of Yellow Springs.

  • When the pain doesn’t go away

    Local resident Keith Grzelak, who was diagnosed two years ago with complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS. Rare, little researched and little understood, CRPS is routinely described as one of the most painful chronic conditions known to medicine.

  • Village Council budgets $18.1 million for 2025

    At their most recent regular meeting, Monday, Nov. 18, Village Council members gave first reading to the ordinance that will set the projected 2025 budget, which at this point totals $18,102,489.

  • Share the Joy holiday tree returns to the Yellow Springs Library

    The annual Share the Joy holiday gift-giving tree is going up soon at the YS Community Library. Pictured is Debbie Henderson, tending the 2012 Share the Joy tree. (Photo by Jeff Simons)

    The Share the Joy holiday tree has returned to the YS Library — an annual community effort for residents of Yellow Springs and Miami Township who may need some help at the holidays.

  • Wamsley just keeps swimming

    On Friday, Oct. 31, 2024, Amy Wamsley successfully completed the 11.5-mile swim around Coronado Island, taking 6 hours, 20 minutes, and 6 seconds to finish.

  • Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association to host Fall Music Fest

    As the village drifts into autumn and the days get colder, the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association aims to bring area residents some musical warmth.

  • Dolores Sizemore

    Dolores Marie Collier Sizemore passed away on Monday, Nov. 11, after a brief illness.

  • Ruth Lucille VanLehn

    Ruth Lucille VanLehn was born in September of 1928 to Ed and Lucille (Ford) Robinson in Detroit, Michigan, as the third of four siblings.

  • Marianne Whelchel

    Marianne Whelchel, age 84, passed peacefully from this earth on Nov. 8, 2024, in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

  • Mary Flo Purdin

    Mary Flo Purdin, age 92, passed away peacefully on Nov. 13, 2024.

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