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  • 2024 In Review | Businesses & Organizations

    Several new businesses and organizations cropped up in Yellow Springs in 2024; several hit major milestones and others transitioned and expanded.

  • Ask a transperson | Reaching out

    Banner for column "My Name is Iden" by Iden Crockett

    The tone of debate in our country seems to lean ever further toward pettiness and argument. It is more  important than ever that we continue to lean in the opposite  direction and facilitate open, honest and respectful conversation.

  • 2024 In Review | Government

    2024 In Review: Village Government, Village Council, Planning Commission, Miami Township Trustees and the 2024 General Election.

  • Dharma Center plans Winter Introduction to Meditation

    The VIDA commission recognized the Dharma Center, located on the corner of Davis and Livermore streets, because the building and surrounding gardens “create a subtle yet compelling visual effect and atmosphere. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The YS Dharma Center will offer a Winter Introduction to Meditation Course on Wednesday evenings for six weeks beginning Jan. 8.

  • The Briar Patch | Transformative sunrises

    “Grief, as it ebbs and flows over time, never truly leaves, but the in-betweens can sometimes provide an opportunity for a clearing space. Memories can suddenly appear, seemingly out of nowhere. “

  • School board talks ongoing initiatives, later erupts

    Though the bulk of the school board’s most recent regular meeting Thursday, Dec. 12, was business as usual, the meeting’s last half hour was a return to the heightened tensions that have marked several of the board’s public interactions over the last few months.

  • News from the Past: December 2024

    Contributing writer Don Hollister dove into the YS News archives to uncover past articles and more in his most recent installment of his News from the Past column.

  • Local nonprofit YS Emergency Assistance provides financial help ‘right now’

    The longtime local nonprofit YS Emergency Assistance, or YSEA — a charitable group previously known as STARFISH — works to help folks living in Yellow Springs with one-time gifts of financial assistance.

  • Village Council selects low-income housing developer

    After finalizing the development agreement with the Village, Woda Cooper will apply to the Ohio Housing Finance Agency for $15 million in federal low-income housing tax credits.

  • Martin Luther King Day plans in Yellow Springs announced

    Villagers once again braved one of the colder days of the year to march in commemoration of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and in support of his ideals. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The annual celebration will take place Monday, Jan. 20, with the theme “Stepping Up for Freedom 365.”

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