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Articles by Anisa Kline

More Articles by Anisa Kline
  • To Speak or Not to Speak

    My sister has a boyfriend no one in our family likes. He is rude to others and treats her poorly. She has been with this guy over a year now and I am worried she will settle down with him. I told her once I don’t think this guy is good enough for her — a little honesty with a minor side of confidence booster — and she didn’t seem to take me seriously.

  • Let’s agree to disagree

    While my parents and I agree on most things related to parenting — parenting styles, diet, discipline — we have one big area of difference — religion. My partner and I have different religious beliefs from my parents and wish to raise our child in that tradition.

  • Unwanted advice rankles

    I would like to solicit your advice about unsolicited advice. My family is full of suggestions — from how to parent to how to run my business. I know they are well-intentioned, and there is the occasional nugget of wisdom, but it drives me crazy!

  • Social taboo

    I have been to a number of parties or social gathering over the years where I meet an interesting man who is a part of a straight couple whose partner or spouse is a bore.

  • Fur flies over cat house

    My husband and I really enjoy having our friends over. Out of our group of friends, we have the only home with a cat. One of our friends has a girlfriend who is highly allergic to cats and is miserable when she comes over, even after taking Benadryl.

  • How to train your ‘HusBum’

    I have a close group of girlfriends of many years. We all live in different cities, but make an effort to stay in touch and get together once a year with our families. We all have children under 5, so it’s chaotic but fun…

  • The Pickle’s first pickle

    My boyfriend and I have decided to move in together. How do I tell my current roommate/best friend who is already excitedly hunting for our next apartment?

  • Village Pickle anonymous submission

    You can use this form to submit an item anonymously to the Village Pickle.

  • Some local advice to brine in

    My name is Anisa Kline and I’m your friendly neighborhood advice columnist. What’s that? You wonder why I have decided to dispense advice to the directionless, the lovelorn, or the embattled?

  • Bit of the Big Easy in Yellow Springs

    New Yellow Springs High School band Sassabrass, rooted in the tradition of New Orleans street musicians, will perform at the Friends Music Camp fundraiser on Dec. 29 and at a future event at the Spirited Goat. Members pictured here include, from left, Maddie Allen, Meredith Rowe, Gabriel Day, Jack Lewis, Joshua Seitz, Connor Gravley-Novello, Lucas Mulhall, Max Mullin and Peter Day. (Submitted photo by Nadia Mulhall)

    There’s a new sound to be heard around the halls of the Yellow Springs High School thanks to the recently formed street band Sassabrass.

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