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Articles by Anisa Kline :: Page 4

  • Center Stage play opens Friday— ‘The Crucible’ across eras

    In the upcoming weeks, the Center Stage community theater group will put on its fourth theater production since its revival in 2011.

  • WYSO’s ReInvention Stories— Dayton resilience, on air and web

    ReInvention Stories, a collaboration between WYSO public radio and local filmmakers Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar, uses video, radio and interactive online media to explore how Dayton is re-charging itself after years of economic collapse.

  • From cats to cows, answers on air

    For three years now, Brett Ellis has been hosting a call-in radio show on Joe Mullins’ radio station, WBZI. During his 15-minute segment on Thursdays, Brett “the Vet” answers people’s questions and concerns about their domestic animals, be they pets or livestock.

  • Food ties village to Ethiopia

    Andy Carlson and Jessica Bilecki stood in a garden they helped grow with a group of villagers in the Kossoye region of Ethiopia in order to improve the village diet. The two Yellow Springs residents are part of the Kossoye Development Project, initiated by Carlson’s father Dennis Carlson with the University of Gondar in the 1960s to improve the health and longevity of the region’s people. (Submitted photo)

    Yellow Springer Andy Carlson recalls with fondness his childhood home in Ethiopia. Growing up with missionary parents in the eastern part of the country, Carlson lived in a colonial Italian mansion that, he remembers, “had a fabulous garden. There were lemon trees, banana trees, all kinds of things.” So he was surprised when, during a trip to Ethiopia decades later, he was unable to find seeds.

  • Californian finds village novel

    Jillian Slater in her new Yellow Springs back yard garden. (Photo by Nadia Mulhall)

    Originally from Jackson, Calif., Jillian Slater moved to Dayton in January, 2011. Whenever she told people she was from California, they would invariably reply “I bet you would like Yellow Springs.”

  • Oh, the places they’ve gone!

    Rwanda, Lithuania, Panama, China. What do these countries have in common? They’re all places Yellow Springers visited this past summer, many taking trips that combined vacation with work or educational opportunities. The stories they returned with provide tiny windows on the world outside the village.

  • Community focus of new Pot Shop leader

    When Allison Paul created a mosaic with schoolchildren for her final project as a fine arts major at Earlham College, she experienced firsthand the value of community-based art projects.

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