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Articles by Audrey Hackett :: Page 2

  • ‘Caesar’s Redemption’— Local history, authentically imagined

    Local playwright Kane Stratton is debuting an eight-minute film vignette drawn from a longer script that explores the life of a Black man named Caesar, a “maroon” among the Shawnee people of southwestern Ohio in the 1770s and beyond.

  • Planning Commission— New ‘do not plant’ list being considered

    Proposed changes to the Village’s weeds ordinance are taking aim at dozens of “noxious weeds” and invasive plant species currently wreaking havoc in Ohio.

  • COVID-19 contact tracing— More cases, more contacts

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The local health department’s contact tracing team now includes nine people, including employees from the Ohio Department of Health, part of the state’s scaled-up contact tracing workforce.

  • Election ran smoothly in Yellow Springs

    Emotions ran high, and a pandemic raged on, but a historic election unfolded without incident in Yellow Springs on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

  • Antioch College— Manley to leave in December

    Antioch College President Tom Manley is leaving the presidency earlier than planned due to health issues. Manley will become “president emeritus” as of Dec. 1, he announced in an email to the college community on Friday, Oct. 30.

  • Planning Commission— Costly repairs ahead for YS?

    Burns described a series of specific stormwater issues related to aging infrastructure — which in some parts of town date back to the late 1800s, he said — certain kinds of lot designs, more intense storms than previously and other factors.

  • New state order: businesses must enforce mask wearing

    The governor on Nov. 11 issued a revised mask order for businesses in Ohio with a penalty for non-compliance, as well as indicating that the state would shut down restaurants, bars and fitness centers if COVID-19 spread doesn’t improve by the end of next week.

  • COVID-19 update— ‘There is no place to hide’ in Ohio

    October brought a whirlwind of bad news about COVID-19 spread in Ohio. New cases soared statewide, hospitalizations increased and more counties than ever flipped to “red” on the state’s COVID-19 heat map.

  • A path to progress on race?

    This is fourth in a series on the impacts of racism in Yellow Springs and local anti-racist efforts and approaches.

  • Tom Manley to step down from Antioch College presidency Dec. 1

    About 85 villagers and Antioch College faculty and staff turned out to “meet Tom” last Wednesday, Sept. 21, at the Herndon Gallery, where the exhibit “Image: The Public Face” is currently on view. Antioch President Tom Manley, who began at the college in March, chatted with many individual villagers during the event. Here, he spoke about college-community collaboration with the Rev. Aaron Saari, of First Presbyterian Church, and Village Manager Patti Bates. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Antioch College President Tom Manley will step down from the presidency on Dec. 1, ahead of a previously announced departure. Interim leadership of the college will be shared by three trustees.

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