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Articles by Jessica Thomas :: Page 2

  • Village electric crew gets the ‘gold’

    Reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement — those are the four areas in which the Yellow Springs Electric Department was evaluated in order to receive an RP3 “Gold” designation from the American Public Power Association, or APPA.

  • Senior Malcolm Blunt heads to state track meet

    Malcolm Blunt, a senior member of the YS track team, will be competing in two events — the 200 meter dash and the long jump — at the 2023 OHSAA state track meet at Jesse Owens Stadium on Friday, June 2.

  • Village of Yellow Springs adopts pesticide policy

    The policy was created to provide guidance for the Public Works Department after years of deliberation on the appropriate use of chemicals on Village properties.

  • Yellow Springs wins ‘best’ water

    At the Monday, May 15, Village Council meeting, Public Works Director Johnnie Burns opened the meeting with a celebration — Yellow Springs had won the Ohio Rural Water Association’s 2023 water tasting competition.

  • Unsolicited Opinions | How do we get in formation?

    “A teacher of young geese offers lessons in how to navigate interpersonal conflicts, and practice being a whole ear of corn instead of a kernel.”

  • Rain Brothers moves to Yellow Springs

    Rain Brothers, focused on harvesting rainwater for both residential and commercial enterprises for 17 years, relocated to Yellow Springs in 2022 and is housed in the former Sound Space building on Dayton Street.

  • Village Council contributes $40,000 to YS Home, Inc., $5,000 to YS Pride

    At the most recent Village Council meeting on Monday, May 1, Council members voted to financially contribute $40,000 in support to local affordable housing developer Home, Inc. and $5,000 to local nonprofit YS Pride.

  • Village Council talks street safety

    In response to continued calls for monitoring and enforcement, Council members discussed options for slowing down traffic at their most recent meeting Monday, May 1.

  • ‘Sister Trillium’ group to recycle art supplies

    Sister Trillium, a recently formed nonprofit started by local creators Zoe Bryant, Allison Paul and Marie Hertzler, seeks to extend the life of art supplies through collecting unused supplies and selling them at a discounted rate at the Yellow Springs Farmers’ Market.

  • Village Council | Regular Meeting, April 3, 2023

    Business conducted at Village Council’s most recent regular meeting, Monday, April 3, included:

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