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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 70

  • Artisans, traders join new Saturday market affair

    The village’s new Artisan Market opened on the front lawn of the Union School House on Saturday, June 4.

  • BLOG — Pull something new off the shelf at Tom’s

    Lauren Heaton

    The range of new products that Tom’s Market carries is always changing, which provides an opportunity to pull out of a menu rut.

  • Vernay on path of growth

    With a committed force of long-time employees who care a great deal about the well being of the company, Vernay is poised to widen the markets for its small rubber parts, which are used in nearly every automobile and appliance in the world.

  • Kids’ music pioneer performs at MLS

    Behind all of today’s fun and inspiring music for youth, is one African-American woman who set out with a conga drum in the cafés of Chicago in the 1950s and humbly started a wave of change that, six decades later, she and others are still riding.

  • Schools trying to stem losses

    According to the Yellow Springs school board, due to the cumulative effect of the budget reductions the district instituted this spring, the five-year budget forecast through 2015 looks slightly better than it did last fall.

  • Speak up about the future of Yellow Springs schools

    It’s your turn to give input about the future of the Yellow Springs Exempted Village schools.

  • Joyce McCurdy retires — Imparting the complexity of past

    When Joyce McCurdy left her teaching job in Springfield and took a pay cut to come to Yellow Springs schools, classes were still being held at Bryan High School, right next to the train that ran through town. That was 1968

  • Graffiti in the school yard, with praise

    In an creatively anti-vandalizing way, a group of Mills Lawn students took their spray cans and paint brushes to the school yard this month to repurpose the soccer wall into a work of graffiti art.

  • Seniors make meaning from tragedy

    YSHS seniors Elise Giardullo and Gabe Amrhein will host a 24-hour relay “A Promise to Eben: No Text Is Worth Your Life,” to raise awareness of the dangers of driving and texting. The event takes place Saturday, May 28, at the high school, beginning at 9 a.m. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The loss of a young life is always tragic, but two local young people hope to find meaning in that tragedy. The meaning sought by Elise Giardullo and Gabe Amrhein is their attempt to save other lives by educating young adults on the dangers of texting while driving.

  • Teachers Winks, Lemkau look back

    Yellow Springs High School teachers Shanna Winks and Phil Lemkau are retiring this year.

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