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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 20

  • Children’s Center leadership changes and reversals afoot

    Marlin Newell’s last day as director of the Children’s Center is Aug. 31. (News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Community Children’s Center parent community got busy last week after nearly losing the center’s executive director and at a meeting Wednesday managed to overtake the board of trustees.

  • Taking a stand

    About 120 members of the Antioch College and village community joined a Hands Up Walk Out on Monday to commemorate the funeral of Michael Brown, who was killed by police in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9.

    About 120 members of the Antioch College and village community joined a Hands Up Walk Out on Monday to commemorate the funeral of Michael Brown, who was killed by police in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9.

  • Children’s Center head let go

    Marlin Newell’s last day as director of the Children’s Center is Aug. 31. (News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    A teacher at the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center said this week that YSCC Director Marlin Newell was fired by the board of trustees on Monday, Aug. 18. Newell had been on vacation, teacher EJ Waskiewicz said, when two board members asked her to sign a termination letter. Newell asked that Waskiewicz act as a witness to the event.

  • Miami Township Fire-Rescue calls for 9/11 memorial climbers

    Fire fighters and civilians alike will join in Yellow Springs’ first annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Antioch College on Sept. 27. Participants are encouraged to register early for the fundraising event.

  • Local welfare more than food?

    Patty McAllister, center, who has led the Yellow Springs Area Food Pantry for eight years, will step down next year, as pantry board members, including Sue Dillon and Bob Baldwin, seek to fill the gap and recruit new volunteers from the wider community. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Armed with canned soup, dried beans, boxes of pasta and soft packages of bathroom tissue, Patty McAllister has worked for the past eight years to keep area residents fed through the Yellow Springs Area Food Pantry.

  • Township to float levy renewal

    Miami Township Trustees voted at their meeting this month to place a Township Fire-Rescue levy renewal on the ballot in November. The trustees chose a renewal, which does not increase taxes, for several reasons, including the possibility that they may ask voters for a new levy next year to build a new fire station.

  • MTFR still seeks property

    Miami Township has been looking for a new home for its Fire-Rescue team for over three years, and this summer the land option they had banked on since 2011 fell through.

  • Friendly fishing

    Shown above are, back row from left, Maria Penrod, Sergeant Penrod and Justin Nash; middle row, Zoe Williams, Holly Weir, Kalonji Cross, Lake Miller and Skyler Miller; and in front, Sam Foster. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Last Wednesday, July 28, Yellow Springs youth Sam Foster cast his line in the pond behind the Huber Heights Fraternal Order of Police and reeled in a tiny bluegill.

  • Indians win Minor League regular season

    The Indians take this year’s Minor League with two wins to close out regular season play.

  • Yellow Springs School Board affirms nonrenewal of contract

    Three members of the Yellow Springs School Board met last Monday, July 14, at a special board meeting and voted to affirm their previous decision to nonrenew the contract of McKinney Middle School physical education and health teacher Angela Bussey.

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