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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 50

  • Book mobile has kids partying on the road to literacy

    The Greene County Library bookmobile comes to town.

  • The Little Library that could

    Love of reading can now be shared at a neighborhood level using the new tiny library in Moya Shea’s yard at 310 South High Street. The little library operates more like a swap: take a book, leave a book. If the cranberry crate seems too small to serve the whole neighborhood, visit the Little Free Libraries website and learn how to start a library in your front yard. (submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Many positive things can be said about libraries, including that they can’t be too small and a town can’t have too many.

  • Township lawsuit dropped

    A Greene County Common Pleas Court judge last week brokered a mutual dismissal of the case between the Miami Township Trustees and former Grinnell Mill B&B owner Donna McGovern

  • Clifton to host music festival

    In celebration of the land and water that conceived the village, Clifton will host its first annual Clifton Gorge Music & Arts Festival the weekend of Aug. 24–26.

  • Villagers re-decorate for tolerance

    On Saturday, July 28, local residents Susan Gartner, left, and Theresa Mayer rehung a knitted sleeve that was removed last week without permission from one of the the trees downtown. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    When Yellow Springers celebrated Pride weekend last month, many honored the occasion by attaching colorful bands of yarn and felt around trees and light poles downtown. So it came as a shock when some villagers noticed this month that someone had been cutting down the art.

  • AUM plans for recovery

    Ellen Wood Hall was named interim vice president of Antioch University Midwest on July 1. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    After a brief stint as provost this spring, Ellen Wood Hall’s current role as interim president of Midwest has given her a challenge: to reverse downward enrollment trends and to more evenly balance the strengths of all three of the school’s academic programs.

  • Yellow Springs youth lead their cattle to fair glory

    Yellow Springs and Miami Township youth showed the animals they raised this year at this week’s Greene County Fair.

  • Choice of replacement trees complex

    “The right tree for the right location” is a phrase oft repeated by arborists dispensing long-term landscaping advice. It was used several times last week by those focused on deciding how to replace the trees that line the downtown.

  • Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant’ comes to Antioch amphitheatre

    The Merchant of Venice

    Dayton’s Free Shakespeare! presents “The Merchant of Venice” this weekend at the Antioch College Amphitheatre.

  • The Incredibles and other heroes come to village through Community Band

    Sounding the praise of heroes the world wide, the Yellow Springs Community Band will perform its third and final outdoor summer concert this Saturday, July 28, at 12:30 p.m. in Kings Yard, behind the Trail Tavern. Admission is free.

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