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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 21

  • Peifer’s opens for summer

    Peifer Orchards opened earlier this month, selling local fruits and veggies, supplying Antioch College with produce and hosting an Argentinian barbecue on Saturday.

  • Architectural bike tour— Builder Kline left mark on village

    Local residents Martha Kline, Jack Kline’s daughter, and her son, Andrew, recently visited one of the best known Yellow Springs homes designed by Martha’s father. On Saturday, July 26, Turner Foundation historian Kevin Rose will lead an architectural tour of some of Kline’s local works, including Yellow Springs High School and the Vernet Ecological Center at Glen Helen. Due to popularity, this month’s bicycle tour will be followed by a second tour in September, at a date to be determined. Visit ­ for details or to purchase tour tickets. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Perched on a cliff side in the woods on Old Mill Road sits a house made almost entirely of glass and so close to the trees that its designer and original owner, John L. (Jack) Kline, had only to reach out his window to touch the birds.

  • Charges pending against two adults— Concern over youth, drugs

    On Sunday, May 11, police were called to a home on Fairfield Pike, where a weekend party had taken place involving local middle school and high school aged youth, as well as at least two adults.

  • A 50-year legacy

    Shirley Mullins' youngest student, Quentin Branlat, 6, played a measured and tonal “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on a quarter size cello while staring straight at his audience the entire performance. (photos by Lauren Heaton)

    Both literally and figuratively, The Sound of Music emanating from Mills Lawn on Saturday afternoon commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band program started by Shirley Mullins and the late Mary Schumacher in 1964. The concert featured a 40-person impromptu orchestra, with long-time string teacher Cami Dell Grote, current co-director […]

  • Striking workers air grievances

    A small group of employees at the Spirited Goat Coffee House went on strike in mid-June, asking for a host of rights including legal pay, workers’ compensation benefits and a higher wage: $15 an hour.

  • Yellow Springs Summer Strings winds down— Come one, come all to Grand Finale

    The Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band Program will celebrate its 50th year as a summer music program for local children with a cello choir for alumni this Saturday, July 5, at 5 p.m., followed by a full orchestra performance. Shown above is an early concert with Summer Strings’ founder, Shirley Mullins, who continues to direct the program. (submitted photo)

    Two weeks ago, the Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band Program had its Grande Finale concert outside at Mills Lawn. The youth played their violas and clarinets to the tune of “Cherokee Chief,” “Slavic Air,” and an all-camp sing to “The Power of One.”

  • Yellow Springs schools aim to opt out of tests

    The Ohio legislature recently approved an education bill that gives Yellow Springs schools a chance to apply for a waiver from any and all state and federally mandated standardized tests.

  • Village ends appeals process — Courts side with Struewings

    A panel of three Ohio appeals court judges last month sided unanimously with Ken and Betheen Struewing in their case against the Village over rights to Village water and sewer services.

  • Grab an instrument and party for Summer Strings’ 50th

    The Yellow Springs Summer Strings and Band program invites alumni to jump in and play at an alumni concert and party this Saturday, beginning at 5 p.m. at Mills Lawn.

  • July 4, 2014 in Yellow Springs

    The annual Independence Day festivities will take place Thursday, July 4.

    The annual Fourth of July parade will begin at 3 p.m. on Friday. The lineup for the parade will begin at 2 p.m. on the circular drive behind Friends Care Community, and the parade will travel from Friends Care, down Xenia Avenue and end at the Bryan Center. All are invited to watch, or participate […]

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