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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 22

  • Sports budget at 10-year low

    On any given day during the school year, dozens of students from McKinney and Yellow Springs High School can be seen releasing their energy on the soccer field, sprinting for a lay up on the basketball court, diving for a run on the baseball field, or participating in the many other sports the school has traditionally offered.

  • Villagers collaborate on public space

    Charles Keller demonstrated some moves on the mini ramp on Sunday, during the clean-up day at the Village skate park. Organizers from the Village Public Arts Commission have recently partnered with skate park users to commit both community funds and Village government earmarks to fully renovate the skate park. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    A cruise around the village skate park is what local youth Charles Keller and Justin Nash might call their daily constitutional. Keller, a STEM School student, is usually there by 4:30 p.m. — earlier in the summer — using the mini ramp to practice rock to fakey and tail stalls, while Nash, who attends Mills Lawn, comes out to master the basics of dropping in and pumping on the half pipe.

  • A plug for pollinators in Yellow Springs

    Representatives of the Yellow Springs Pollinator Regeneration Project last week gave a very different talk about the birds and the bees than the one we may have heard as children.

  • YS Boy Scouts celebrate 75th year

    The local Boy Scout Troop 78 celebrated its 75th anniversary last week with a potluck at John Bryan day lodge for current and former scouts. Pictured in front of the First Presbyterian Church where the troop meets each month are current officers and scout masters, including, back row, from left, Andrew Kraus, Paul Evans, Nathan Hardman, Alex Kraus, Thomas Cunningham, Brian Upchurch and William Evans. In front from left are William Gray, Weymar Osborne, Lake Miller and Mike Miller. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Former Yellow Springs Boy Scout Will McCuddy likes to tell the story of a camping trip at Sloan’s Cave in Cumberland, Ky., when he had to hike through water neck deep to get out alive.

  • Solar array charges opinions

    Discussion about the Antioch College farm waged on this week at a public hearing before Village Planning Commission, which considered the conditional use of a solar power array in the northeast corner of the college “golf course.” Over 50 villagers attended the meeting on Monday, June 9, which was something of a continuation of last month’s community forum on the wider topic of the farm.

  • New brewery, food truck approved

    Village Planning Commission approved two conditional use applications this week for a tasting room for Vitruvian Brewery Company and a food truck at Antioch University Midwest. Plan board members approved both requests in line with staff recommendations at their meeting on Monday, June 9.

  • Yellow Springs’ Vitruvian Brewery sets up tasting room

    Yellow Springs Planning Commission approved a conditional use applications this week for a tasting room for Vitruvian Brewery Company located at MillWorks business park on Walnut Street. Though the business is not yet open, Vitruvian Brewing Company owners Shane and Jacqui Creepingbear have received their brewer’s license and plan to make an announcement soon about their opening, Shane Creepingbear said this week.

  • More shifts at Village police

    Changes in personnel at the Yellow Springs Police Department are becoming the norm this year. Two more full-time officers either resigned or requested reduced hours last month, following the resignation of two full-time officers in February and March.

  • Village tackles water system

    One of the filters at the Village drinking water plant failed last month. The malfunction is being repaired at a minor cost to the Village. And while the Village asks that residents continue to conserve water where possible (minimizing lawn watering), the facility’s two other filters are keeping up with demand.

  • District Exhibition Nights— Students to demonstrate PBL

    Isaiah Search used a tree identification guide to help his team chart and name the trees near the tennis court at Mills Lawn school in 2014. The second-grade class mapped the campus to help the district figure out which trees were at risk for emerald ash borer disease. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Second graders Isaiah Search, Zeke Naziri and Isaac Grushon held their clipboards and North American tree guides as they looked up at one of the biggest trees on the Mills Lawn campus this week.

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