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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 100

  • Bulldog Sports Roundup

    Golf team tees off In its second round of golf this season, the Yellow Springs High School co-ed golf team took on three visiting conference teams at its home course last week. Junior Rachele Orme once again showed her combination of accuracy, consistency and power in leading the Bulldogs with a score of 42 over […]

  • Lawson gardens are still at risk

    Marilyn Van Eaton weeds a large area of perennial plants that she tends in front of her Lawson Place residence. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Marilyn Van Eaton began seeding a garden at her Lawson Place public housing unit 17 years ago. When she learned in June that the local housing authority would tear out most of her garden, she was stunned and saddened.

  • Golf team tees off for the season

    In its second round of golf this season, the YSHS co-ed golf team took on visiting Dayton Christian, Emmanuel Christian and Xenia Christian at its home course.

  • Coming soon to the movie theater nearest you, hopefully

    The Little Art Theatre is close to getting a complete renovation — the first in its 83-year history. Above, Little Art Executive Director Jenny Cowperthwaite and longtime 35-mm projectionist Andy Holyoke sit in the 37-year-old theater seats that will soon be replaced. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Small movie theaters around the country will soon be shuttered if they can’t find the money to upgrade to digital projection equipment. But in Yellow Springs the show will go on.

  • Bulldog Sport Roundup

    Senior Emma Peifer slammed an ace at the Greenon side during the Yellow Springs High School girls varsity volleyball team’s 25–18, 25–18 stomping of the visitors. The Lady Bulldogs started their season 3–0. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    Boys soccer starts 3–0 The Yellow Springs High School boys varsity soccer kicked off their season with three straight victories — over Greenon, Springfield-Shawnee and Cincinnati Hills Christian. The 3–0 season start is the first in while, according to Coach Ben Van Ausdal, who has high hopes for his team. “I think we’re going to […]

  • West Nile issue: to spray or not?

    Last Thursday about 6:30 a.m, as many villagers still slept, a Greene County Combined Health District truck rolled slowly through a neighborhood in southern Yellow Springs spraying a fine mist of insecticides.

  • GALLERY: Clifton Gorge festival

    The Clifton Gorge Music and Arts Festival drew visitors last weekend for three days of craft-vending, fried-food-eating and music-playing.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Volleyball team starts strong

    Expectations are high this year for the YSHS girls varsity volleyball team, and in its first match of the year the team didn’t disappoint.

  • West Nile virus in Village

    Local mosquitoes tested positive last week for West Nile Virus, a potentially serious illness, prompting the Greene County Combined Health District to begin spraying insecticide in one village neighborhood.

  • A ‘group hug’ from YS foundation

    What do the doors at the library, the mural under the Little Art Theatre marquee, the roof of the Community Children’s Center, the soccer fields at the high school, the dishwasher at the Senior Center, the wood kiln at John Bryan Community Pottery and the handicapped access ramp at Glen Helen have in common?

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