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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 102

  • One-of-a-kind specs made here

    David Flowers has a clear vision for local sustainability. The 27-year-old crafts handmade eyewear from renewable lumber, and though wooden eyeglasses are a new fashion trend, he said his specs are a mix of functionality and art, and above all, a sustainable product.

  • Cirque Carnival brings the bizarre to Dayton Street

    Clowns and families alike swarmed Dayton Street for face painting, henna tattoos, food, music, acrobatics, fire dance, hula hooping and more.

  • Main Squeeze under new ownership— A smooth blend of old, new

    Xenia couple Debi Yawn and David Lee purchased Main Squeeze last week from Donna Lynn Johnson, who opened the juice bar in 2006. Yawn and Lee said they plan to keep selling Main Squeeze’s signature smoothies and juices while they add more food items to the menu. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When Main Squeeze went on sale at the beginning of the year, customers may have worried about the fate of the local juice bar. But smoothie addicts can still get their fix at Main Squeeze.

  • VIDEO: A sneak peek at ‘Mo’s Night at the Opera’

    YSKP’s summer production, ‘Mo’s Night at the Opera,’ opens tonight at the Antioch College Amphitheatre. See a video sneak peek from a recent rehearsal.

  • A ‘Marriage’ of Mozart and Marx

    This year’s Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse show mashes up a Mozart opera with a Marx brother film. Mo’s Night at the Opera runs from Thursday, July 12, to Sunday, July 15, and from July 19–22 at the Antioch College Amphitheatre, 759 Corry St., starting at 7:30 p.m. Some cast members are, clockwise from bottom front: Kevon Matthews, Taylor Felder, McKenzie Byers, London Neal, Tahlia Potter, Sumayah Chappelle and Samantha Woolley. (Submitted Photo by John Fleming)

    One might ask what theater company would have the audacity to mix together an 18th century opera, a Marx Brother’s film, Art Speak from the walls of the Chicago Art Institute, and Justin Bieber’s Twitter feed.

  • Streetscape design clarified

    The Xenia Ave. streetscape plan, presented at Council on Monday, shows the locations of new street trees, street lights, parking spaces and bicycle racks. The drawing was completed by Yellow Springs Design, LLC.

    Downtown will get a makeover this summer — and it’s not just the sidewalks.

  • VIDEO: Village Fam Summer Jam

    A faithful crowd soaked up the tunes at the first Summer Jam, a two-day concert at the Antioch Amphitheatre organized by Yellow Springs hip hop group Village Fam. See photos and a video of highlights.

  • Fireworks on the Fourth

    Click here for more photos from the July 4 fireworks display.

  • Group urges setting precedent in opposing oil, gas drilling

    Yellow Springs may be the first community in Ohio to ban oil and gas drilling and waste wells within its municipal limits using a rights-based ordinance.

  • Warmer, retro sound for Wheels

    Local band Wheels, here performing at Toxic Beauty Records on National Record Store Day in April, recently released a seven-inch vinyl single through Toxic Beauty’s new record label. From left are band members Sam Salazar, Jaime Scott, Rory Papania, Conor Stratton and Sam Crawford. (Submitted photo by Toxic Beauty Records)

    For most of the rock ‘n’ roll era, bands delivered their new music as singles on seven-inch vinyl records. One Yellow Springs band is now reviving the analog record in defiance of today’s digital standards,

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