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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 104

  • Stalled greenspace funds released

    Boy Scouts at Camp Birch cheered at the news that Clean Ohio finally received funding for its open space and agricultural easement purchase programs. Last year Camp Birch used more than $600,000 from the statewide program to permanently protect the farms and wetlands at the 400-acre, 80-year-old camp. Pictured is Springfield Troupe #311, along with, front center, Don Hollister of Environment Ohio and Krista Magaw of Tecumseh Land Trust.

    Thanks to the tireless efforts of Krista Magaw of the Tecumseh Land Trust, Don Hollister of Ohio League of Conservation Voters and several other environmental groups, Clean Ohio’s open space and agricultural easement purchase programs are once again fully funded.

  • GMHA gardens on chopping block

    Daniel Pearson planted a low-maintenance cover crop of violets in the backyard of his Lawson Place residence. The violets don’t need to be mowed, keep the ground from getting waterlogged and provide a tasty treat to Pearson, he said. Pearson worries herbicides will be used to kill the vegetation, which is out of compliance with the property owners, Greene Metropolitian Housing Authority. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Patricia High is dejected because she has until July 1 to transplant most of her beautiful garden at her Lawson Place unit, or the Greene Metropolitan Housing Authority will remove the plantings.

  • Flush with water— Thinking conservation amidst plenty

    Laurie Dreamspinner used the water from one of the four rain barrels connected to her downspouts to water the marigolds, peas and herbs she grows in her front and side yards. The stormwater reclamation saves her money and the already wet area unneeded runoff. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Ask villagers about their experience with Yellow Springs water and the stories will flow.

  • Solar goes dark, for now

    A field of solar panels won’t soon sprout on the Glass Farm as planned, though a local solar farm is still possible.

  • Couples purchase Xenia Ave. property

    Two local couples — Asanda Imports owners Lee Kibblewhite and Molly Lunde and Brendan Comerford and Christy Lewis — recently purchased the property at 228 Xenia Avenue, currently home to Sam & Eddie’s Open Books and Asanda Imports.

  • From classrooms to coral reefs

    McKinney School seventh- and eighth-grade science teacher Terry Graham retires at the end of the school year to return to science field work and spend more time with family. Here Graham shows off a student project on the rainforest. During her 12 years at McKinney, Graham said she enjoyed encouraging student creativity and teamwork through projects. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Now entering a new phase of her life, Terry Graham, a former field biologist, retires at the end of the school year as science teacher to head back into the field.

  • Mike DeWine visits YSHS— Native son faces local heat

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine told Yellow Springs High School and McKinney School students to be independent thinkers and sparred with them over the gay marriage issue at an assembly last week. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine returned last week to his alma mater, Yellow Springs High School, and shared with students his opinions on gay marriage, abortion and President Obama.

  • June 7, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round up

    YSHS senior Antone Truss launched himself over the bar during the high jump at the state finals last week. Truss jumped 6'0" to come in sixth place, the best finish of a YSHS high jumper in more than 40 years. (Submitted photo by Keturah Fulton)

    June 7, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round up

  • Truss soars to sixth at state

    YSHS senior Antone Truss came in sixth place out of 16 competitors despite rainy conditions.

  • A once-in-a-century event

    Venus will transit across the sun on Tuesday, June 5, a rare astronomical event that will next occur in 2117. Watch it at the Antioch amphitheater.

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