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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 105

  • May 31, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    YSHS junior Angela Allen launched the discus 10 feet further than she did at regionals last year, but still came up short of qualifying for the Division III state finals. Allen’s best toss of 102’11” earned her ninth place at regionals. Visit for more photos from the meet. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    May 31, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • YSHS athlete jumps up to state

    Last weekend Antone Truss became the first YSHS high jumper to qualify for the Ohio High School Division III Track & Field Championships in more than 25 years. The senior seemingly defied gravity during the regional meet as he cleared 6’2’’ to secure his position at states and then conquered heights up to 6’6’’ to finish as the regional runner-up. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    High jumper Antone Truss once again raised the bar by becoming the first Bulldog high jumper to qualify for the state meet in more than 25 years.

  • Karen Wintrow honored— A local and regional thinker

    Village Council member Karen Wintrow received the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission’s annual Regional Stewardship Award last month. An MVRPC board and committee member, Wintrow received the award because of her efforts to improve the Dayton region and because she’s a “regional thinker.” (Submitted photo)

    When Karen Wintrow isn’t thinking about Yellow Springs, she’s thinking about the Dayton region. For that work, Wintrow received the group’s annual Regional Stewardship Award last month.

  • More YSHS athletes college-bound

    YSHS senior athletes going on to play in college are, from left, Antone Truss (track), Elizabeth Malone (swimming), Erika Chick (swimming), Jacob Trumbull (soccer) and Jake Fugate (football). Not pictured is Greg Felder Jr. (basketball). (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The game goes on for six Yellow Springs High School senior athletes who will play their sport at college next year.

  • Arts Council brings back classes

    Margrit Tydings-Petrie will teach art classes on creating papier-mâché puppets from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 26, and Saturday, June 2, at the Arts Council’s new space at 111 Corry Street. Tydings-Petrie’s “Wanna Mache?” workshops are connected to her exhibit at the Arts Council gallery, “Dancing with the Universe: Masks and Beyond,” and are part of a revived effort at the Arts Council to provide community arts education. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Having organized art classes for much of its 40-year history, the Yellow Springs Arts Council is rebooting its educational workshops with a series beginning this week.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Truss headed to state

    High jumper Antone Truss qualified for state on a gutsy performance at regionals on Friday, where he cleared heights through 6’6”.

  • DeWine speaks at YSHS

    Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine told Yellow Springs High School students to be independent thinkers at an assembly on Wednesday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine returned Wednesday to his alma mater, Yellow Springs High School, and shared with students his opinions with students on gay marriage, abortion, gun control, political polarization and President Obama.

  • May 24, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round Up

    May 24, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round Up

  • Villagers weigh in on their water

    Ask villagers about their experience with Yellow Springs water and the stories will flow.

  • Village breaks ground on sidewalk repairs

    Long awaited repairs to Village sidewalks began last week with the building of a piece of sidewalk along Xenia Avenue near the bikepath.

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