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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 61

  • Is hard water healthier?

    Allen Hunt has known since the 1970s that it is probably better to have calcium than sodium in his drinking water. After all, calcium is a vital nutrient many of us don’t get enough of, while Americans are said to already consume too much salt.

  • Cyclops returns for fourth year

    The festival named after a primordial one-eyed giant returns this year promising even better handmade crafts, tastier food and more fun.

  • Is the village’s hard water healthier?

    This week’s News examined the health impacts of drinking hard water. Read more from an expert about the potential dangers of hard water.

  • Well spring

    A free children’s yoga class was one activity offered during the grand opening of Mindfully Well, a new integrative health practice on the south end of the village. During the day, nearly 200 people visited the new center, owned by local psychologist Dr. Rose Mary Shaw, which will offer a variety of services including yoga, […]

  • MVECA can help us get wired

    Thor Sage is the executive director of MVECA, a local technology consortium. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    Just as the Village of Yellow Springs has its own water, sewer and electric systems, someday it could also sell broadband Internet as a municipal service.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Boys soccer starts 1–1–1 In its first three games the Yellow Springs High School boys varsity soccer team won, tied and lost. After winning the first annual Bulldog soccer tournament this summer, expectations were high for the YSHS team coming into the season. While a 3–2 opening loss on the road at Cincinnati Hills Christian […]

  • Learn seed-saving during a tomato walk at Antioch

    Antioch College students will share seed-saving technique for tomatoes during a Tomato Walk at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, on the Antioch farm.

  • Psychologist Gary Klein— Fascinated by good decisions

    Local cognitive psychologist Gary Klein is an author, researcher and entrepreneur who has spent 35 years here studying how people make decisions, become experts and experience insights. Klein, here in his office at his Wright Street home, had his latest book, “Seeing What Others Don’t: The Remarkable Way We Gain Insights,” published last year. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    “I just knew what to do.”
    That’s the response many people give after making a quick decision in a stressful situation. But what does it mean? How do we really make decisions? And how can we make better ones?

  • Speaking Suns releases first EP

    Local indie rock outfit Speaking Suns’ first full-length album, Vanishing Country, is a reflection on the changing landscape of rural Ohio. Watch a video of track “Symmetry” after the jump.

  • Groundbreaking this Friday— Village/Home, Inc. project begins

    Caleab and Erica Wyant, here with their daughter, Rudy, will break ground on their new affordable home on Cemetery Street on Friday, Aug. 15 at 3:30 p.m. Theirs is the first of four Home, Inc. houses slated for the municipally-owned property as part of the Village’s first affordable housing project. Erica Wyant’s sons Ziven and Calum (not pictured) will also live in the three-bedroom home. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A cozy cabin on Cemetery Street nestled near woods along a creek.
    To Erica and Caleab Wyant, their future home sounds straight out of a children’s fantasy story. But soon the local couple will realize their dream of owning a home in Yellow Springs, thanks to the Village’s first public affordable housing project.

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