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Articles by Reilly Dixon :: Page 7

  • Planning Commission approves next steps in ongoing development projects

    At the group’s Tuesday, Sept. 10 meeting, Planning Commission members approved: a phase two final plat application from DDC Management, a conditional use application from Ruetschle Architects on behalf of the Village School District and a zoning map amendment to rezone 3.612 acres of school district-owned land.

  • Tecumseh Land Trust seeks protection on 184 acres

    Approximately 184 acres along Dayton-Yellow Springs Road may soon go up for auction to the highest bidder; Tecumseh Land Trust intends to purchase that land or work with a buyer to protect it from future development with conservation easements.

  • Burn ban set for county as drought persists

    On Thursday, Sept. 19, the Ohio State Fire Marshal classified Greene County as experiencing an “extreme drought.” Following this, the marshal instated a burn ban for Greene and other Ohio counties under “extreme” or “exceptional” drought conditions.

  • BREAKING | Small fire in Glen Helen contained

    A small fire erupted in Glen Helen Nature Preserve around 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday morning, Sept. 17.

  • Burkett new Village Mediation coordinator

    A free conflict-resolution service in Yellow Springs since 1989, the Village Mediation Program, or VMP, helps feuding villagers and township residents get to the bottom of their issues.

  • Tin Can Economy | Lesser-of-two-evilism is bunk

    “Vote for whomever you will, but please do not begrudge those with misgivings over checking the ‘lesser’ of the two evil boxes on Tuesday, Nov. 6.”

  • Windfall

    Last month, Yellow Springs gained its newest public art installation: a six-by-eight-foot colored pencil illustration of four-legged suburban homes crushing a quintessential red American barn.

  • Greene County ESC shows interest in Morgan Fields

    In an Aug. 28 letter penned by ESC Superintendent Terry Graves-Strieter and Interim Treasurer Kasey Mahaffey to YS School District leaders, the ESC is considering the purchase of the Morgan Fields to “have the land as a space for our students … for recess and other outdoor activities.

  • Just four fun

    Torrential rainfall may have put the kibosh on the village’s annual July Fourth celebrations last month, but that didn’t deter the village festivities altogether.

  • Dispatches from Navajo Nation

    Established in 2018 with coordination from the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority and members of the American Public Power Association, Light Up Navajo has, over the last decade, electrified nearly 7,000 homes within the Navajo Reservation.

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