Articles by YS News Staff :: Page 348
Celebrate 25 years of YS bike path
Next month, the Little Miami Scenic Trail opening from Xenia to Yellow Springs will celebrate its 25th birthday.
Road work on Xenia Avenue to begin
The Village of YS will begin repaving work on Xenia Avenue beginning Sept. 18.
Repealing sections, enacting new ordinances
Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
Yellow Springs Planning Commission
Monday, Sept. 12, 2016, 7 p.m.
Martha ‘Jean’ Marsh
Martha “Jean” Marsh died at home July 11 after a brief illness. She had just celebrated her 92nd birthday.
Public Meetings
Village of Yellow Springs
Glenora J. Mercer
Glenora J. Mercer died Sept. 5 at Friends Care Community. She was 78.
Air play
Balloon magic was a highlight of the second annual North High Street block party last Saturday.
Caroline ‘Kerrin’ Warren
Caroline “Kerrin” Warren, a resident of Yellow Springs from 1952 until 1979, died peacefully on Aug. 28, 2016, in Concord, Mass. She was 92.
2016 Supplemental Appropriations & declaring an emergency
ORDINANCE NO. 2016-21, Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
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