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Articles by YS News Staff :: Page 448

  • Yellow Springs Board Of Education

    Meeting is canceled.

  • Your Village needs you!

    Public Art & Human Relations Commission openings

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Antioch College to host photographer Anne Noble

    New Zealand photographer, educator and researcher Anne Noble will present “From Antarctica to the Honey Bee: In Search of An Ecological Sublime” on Wednesday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m. in McGregor Hall, room 113 on the Antioch College campus.

  • Deirdre Roche


    Deirdre Roche, of Bass Harbor, Maine, died on April 5, after a period of declining health.

  • Roberta Dodds Alexander

    Roberta Dodds Alexander

    Roberta Dodds Alexander, née Postle, long time Yellow Springs resident, passed away Feb. 19, at Friends Care Community Center. She was 88 years old.

  • Edythe Okun Powers

    Edythe Okun Powers

    Edythe Okun Powers, of Yellow Springs passed away early on the morning of March 20 at the Friends Care Community Center. She was 86

  • Patsy L. Amoes Demmings

    Patsy L. Amoes Demmings

    Patsy L. Amos Demmings, of Dayton, formerly of Yellow Springs, died on April 1. She was 52.

  • Just for kicks

    The Yellow Springs girls indoor soccer team recently held a banquet to celebrate the end of their first season. The team includes Eliza Gilchrist, Myrah Burton, Marissa Goodman, Natalie Galarza, Aryn Van Ausdal, Isabelle Ellis, Deena Green, Coach Mike Knopp, Mila de Spain, Sophie Bottelier, Kira Hendrickson, Maggie Knopp, Marian Krier and Coach Philip Bottelier. Not pictured are team members Olivia Ling, Ella Taylor and Stella Lief. (Submitted photo)

    The Yellow Springs girls indoor soccer team recently held a banquet to celebrate the end of their first season.

  • Netting some new talent

    On Sunday, March 31, six Yellow Springs boys and girls participated in a “Play Day” tennis event for first graders on the Antioch courts. Ten coaches led the youngsters through a series of drills designed to help them develop rudimentary tennis skills. (Submitted photo)

    On Sunday, March 31, six Yellow Springs boys and girls participated in a “Play Day” tennis event for first graders on the Antioch courts.

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