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Articles About film screening

  • Spike Lee film set to spark conversations

    “Do the Right Thing,” an acclaimed 1989 film by director Spike Lee (center in Dodgers jersey), will be shown this Saturday, Feb. 20, at 11 a.m. at the Little Art Theatre. The film, which is free and open to the public, is part of the Black History Month film series sponsored by the 365 Group and Yellow Springs Young People of Color. (Still from Do the Right Thing)

    This Saturday, villagers have an opportunity to both see the now-iconic film, “Do the Right Thing,” which mirrors today’s racial tensions, and discuss it, at a free screening at 11 a.m. at the Little Art Theatre.

  • Snap a selfie with Jesus and Pilate

    Stars of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” Barry Dennen and Ted Neeley, will visit Yellow Springs for screenings of the film March 27–29 at the Little Art Theatre where they will answer questions and sign autographs. Dennen, left, played Pontius Pilate in the 1973 film; Neeley was in the role of Jesus. (Submitted photo)

    Just in time for Easter, locals will have the chance to snap a selfie with Jesus and Pontius Pilate. The stars who portrayed the Biblical figures in the 1973 film “Jesus Christ Superstar” will attend a weekend of screenings at the Little Art Theatre, March 27–29.

  • Antioch University Midwest to screen classic political films

    Jon Saari doesn’t need to rent the movies he’s showing in a seminar on modern political film — he already owns most of them.

  • Scouts’ quest for kindness

    Those who think kids don’t get bullied in Yellow Springs should think again, according to members of the local Girl Scout Troop 30349. And the scouts are especially concerned about how girls hurt each other.

  • Film ‘Escape Fire’ seeks healthcare transformation

    Antioch University Midwest is sponsoring a free documentary, ‘Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare,’ at the school on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 6 p.m., with refreshments at 5:30 p.m. Shown above is Kent De Spain, the new chair of the school’s program for healthcare consumer advocacy/patient navigation. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The American health care system is so broken that fixing it requires a major conceptual transformation.

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