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Articles About Share the Joy project

  • ‘Share the Joy’ at the YS Library

    The "Share the Joy" gift-giving tree is going up soon at the YS Library.

    The annual “Share the Joy” tree, which aims to provide holiday gifts for Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents who may need assistance in buying them, will be going up soon at the YS Community Library. 

  • Demand is up at food pantry for food and coats

    Recent donations piled up at the Yellow Springs Food Pantry at the United Methodist Church, which is seeing increased demand this year for food and household goods. The pantry is expecting a donation of 1,500 food items from Mills Lawn later this week. Non-expired non-perishable food can be dropped off at the church. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In Yellow Springs, those who serve the needy are seeing the holiday spirit of solidarity with generous donations of money, food and gifts from villagers so far this season.

  • Two ways to share in the holidays

    Food pantry volunteers Jean Shook, Patti McAllister, Jackie Hammond, Don Rudolf and Don Fulton put away donated items this week at the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry in the basement of the Methodist Church. Demand for food and household goods at the pantry rises during th holiday season, and so do community donations. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    While it took several hauntings for Ebenezer Scrooge to transform from a stingy miser to a charitable giver, villagers have already embodied the holiday spirit this season with generous donations of food and gifts to two long-time local projects.

  • “Share the Joy” provides gifts for local families in need

    The annual “Share the Joy” project, sponsored by the Yellow Springs Library, has begun. The project provides an opportunity for holiday shoppers to purchase anonymous gifts for local families in need.

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