
Articles About boy scouts

  • Local Boy Scouts host epic Pinewood Derby

    More than 25 kids raced their homemade cars in the Yellow Springs Cub Scout Pack’s inaugural Pinewood Derby.

  • YS Boy Scouts celebrate 75th year

    The local Boy Scout Troop 78 celebrated its 75th anniversary last week with a potluck at John Bryan day lodge for current and former scouts. Pictured in front of the First Presbyterian Church where the troop meets each month are current officers and scout masters, including, back row, from left, Andrew Kraus, Paul Evans, Nathan Hardman, Alex Kraus, Thomas Cunningham, Brian Upchurch and William Evans. In front from left are William Gray, Weymar Osborne, Lake Miller and Mike Miller. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Former Yellow Springs Boy Scout Will McCuddy likes to tell the story of a camping trip at Sloan’s Cave in Cumberland, Ky., when he had to hike through water neck deep to get out alive.

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